Figure 2
Domain 0 and Domain 1
Step 2 Use both hands to grasp the card by its
metal carrier edges and align the card with
the slot guides, component side up.
1 Purpose
uBR - MC28U
This quick start guide shows you how to install a
Cisco uBR-MC28 cable interface line card in the
Cisco uBR7200 series router.
Step 3 With the metal carrier aligned in the slot
into the card slot until you can feel it
seated in the backplane connectors.
Domain 0
2 Feature Description
Step 4 Tighten the captive screws.
Cabling the Cisco uBR-MC28U/E-28U
The Cisco uBR-MC28 cable interface line card
improves RF performance, supports spectrum
management, increases system performance and
supports online insertion and removal (OIR).
The line card is available in three configurations:
The Cisco uBR-MC28U/E-28U line card has an
onboard upconverter. To cable the card:
The captive screws provide grounding for
the electromagnetic interference (EMI)
Step 1 Connect the downstream (DS) cables to
the DS ports (DS0–DS1). RF DS port rings
and end tabs are green (slate blue in the
case of E-28U card). See Figure 5.
Cisco uBR-MC28U—with an onboard
upconverter and green end tabs
Figure 1
Installing the Card in the Chassis
Cisco uBR-MC28X—without an onboard
upconverter and with yellow end tabs
Step 2 Connect the upstream cables to the US
ports (US0–US7).
Cisco uBR-E-28U—with an onboard
upconverter and slate blue end tabs
InstallingCisco uBR-MC28U/X
and uBR-E-28UCable Interface
Line Cards
Cabling the Cisco uBR-MC28X
The Cisco uBR-MC28X line card does not have an
onboard upconverter. The card may require up to
10 dB of attenuation due to a higher IF output
power (higher then legacy Cisco line cards). To
cable the card:
3 Prerequisites
The Cisco NPE-400 or Cisco NPE-G1 or Cisco
NPE-G2 must be used with this card.
If you are replacing a Cisco uBR-MC28C card
with a Cisco uBR-MC28U/X/E card, you must
reconfigure the card. We strongly recommend
that you reload the Cisco 7200 series router
when replacing a cable interface line card with
a card of a different type.
Step 1 Connect the DS cables to the DS ports on
the card (DS0–DS1).
uBR - MC28U
IF DS port rings and end tabs are yellow.
Step 2 Add RF attenuators as required to get the
correct IF output. Insert the attenuator
between the DS IF output cable and the
The cable interface line card
insertion/removal method is the same for
all Cisco uBR7200 series routers.
4 Installing the Card
Americas Headquarters
Cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, CA 95134-1706
Tel: 408 526-4000
800 553-NETS (6387)
Fax: 408 527-0883
Only trained and qualified
personnel should be allowed to
install, replace, or service this
product; and should be properly
grounded before handling this
ESD-sensitive product.
The uBR-E-28U is an entry-level version of
MC28U, for the uBR7225 chassis. The
extra guide pins in the line card prevents it
from being plugged into a different
Cisco, Cisco Systems, the Cisco logo, and the Cisco Systems logo are registered trademarks or
trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other
countries. All other trademarks mentioned in this document or Website are the property of their
respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between
Cisco and any other company. (0705R)
Do not mix upstream (US) ports in
domain 0 with US ports in domain 1
© 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Step 1 Make sure that you are grounded.
Printed in the USA on recycled paper containing 10% postconsumer waste.
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