Data Projector
USB Function Guide
z Be sure to read the precautions in the separate User’s Guide (Basic Operation). For
details about setting up the Data Projector and about lamp replacement, see the
User’s Guide (Basic Operation).
z Be sure to keep all user documentation handy for future reference.
• Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and PowerPoint are registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
• Other company and product names may be registered product names or trademarks of
their respective owners.
• The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
• Copying of this manual, either in part or its entirety, is forbidden. You are allowed to
use this manual for your own personal use. Any other use is forbidden without the
permission of CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD.
• CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. shall not be held liable for any lost profits or claims
from third parties arising out of the use of this product or this manual.
• CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. shall not be held liable for any loss or lost profits due
to loss of data due to malfunction or maintenance of this product, or any other reason.
• The sample screens shown in this manual are for illustrative purposes only, and may
differ somewhat from the screens actually produced by the product.
Performing a Presentation Using the
Projecting the Screen Image of a
About this manual...
This manual explains function and operations when any one of the following devices is
connected to the USB port of the CASIO XJ-SC215/XJ-S37/XJ-S47/XJ-S57 Data Projector.
z USB memory device or USB card reader
z CASIO Multi Projection Camera (YC-400/YC-430)
z CASIO Graphing Calculator (fx-9860G Series)
For information about functions and operations when a YW-2 Wireless Adapter is
documentation on the CD-ROM that comes with the separate YW-2L* Wireless Adapter.
* The YW-2L comes packaged with a YW-2 Wireless Adapter and the Wireless
Connection 2 software for your computer.
Terms and Conventions
In this manual, there are many procedures that require parallel operations on the Data
Projector and your computer. The following are special terms and conventions used in this
manual to differentiate between the Data Projector and computer.
• projection area
This is the entire rectangular area that is projected by the Data Projector. Certain Data
Projector operations will cause messages and menus to appear within the projection
• computer screen
This is the physical display device of your computer.
About the Data Projector’s USB Functions
The USB port that is built into the Data Projector lets you connect an external USB
device and use it as an input source for image projection.
USB Memory Device or Memory Card
You can connect a commercially available USB memory device or USB card reader to the
USB port and project images and movies stored on the USB memory device or memory
USB memory device
Refer to the following for details.
For more information about this:
Supported USB memory devices
Supported image and movie file formats
Refer to this section of this manual:
Saving image data to a USB memory device or
memory card
(page 14)
Projecting image and movie data from a USB
memory device
Wireless Adapter (CASIO YW-2)
Establishing a connection between the Data Projector and a computer over a wireless LAN
makes it possible to project the display contents of the computer’s screen from the Data
You can have up to four computers connected to the Data Projector over a wireless LAN
at the same time. Use the remote controller that comes with the Data Projector to select
which of the four computer screens you want to project.
z The optional YW-2L Wireless Adapter is required in order to perform the above
procedure. The YW-2L package includes a YW-2 wireless adapter for the Data
Projector and Wireless Connection 2 software for establishing a LAN connection
between the Data Projector and a computer.
z For details about the operation required to establish a wireless LAN connection
between the Data Projector and a computer, see the user documentation on the CD-
ROM that comes with the YW-2L.
Document Camera (CASIO YC-400/YC-430)
You can connect a CASIO Document Camera to the Data Projector’s USB port and project
the images of documents placed on the document stage of the YC-400/YC-430.
For more information, see “Performing a Presentation Using the YC-400/YC-430 Document
Graphing Calculator (CASIO fx-9860G Series)
You can use USB port to connect the CASIO fx-9860G series graphing calculator to the
Data Projector and project calculator screen images with the projector.
For details, see “Projecting the Screen Image of a Graphing Calculator” (page 59).
Connecting a USB Device to the Data Projector
What happens when you connect a USB device to the Data Projector depends on the
current configuration of the Data Projector’s plug-and-play setting. Plug-and-play is enabled
under the Data Projector’s initial default settings. For more details about the plug-and-play
setting, see “Setup Menu Contents” in the User’s Guide.
Turning On the Data Projector after Connecting a USB
Normally when you turn on the Data Projector without a USB device connected, the Data
Projector will check the RGB terminal and then the VIDEO terminal for a signal. If it finds
a signal, the Data Projector will select it automatically and project the signal contents.
If you turn the Data Projector on while a USB device is connected to its USB port, it will
perform one of the following operations (depending on its current plug-and-play setting).
When plug-and-play is enabled:
When this type of device is
The Data Projector does this automatically when turned on:
USB memory device or USB
card reader with memory card
YW-2 Wireless Adapter
Starts up Wireless and projects the Wireless screen.
YC-400/YC-430 Document
Checks the RGB terminal and then the VIDEO terminal for an
input signal. If it finds a signal, the Data Projector will select it
automatically and project the signal contents. Note that the
Document Camera is not detected automatically.
When plug-and-play is disabled:
Turning on the Data Projector with a USB device connected while plug-and-play is disabled
will cause it to perform the same initial operation it performs when no device is connected.
That is, it checks the RGB terminal and then the VIDEO terminal for an input signal. If it
detects an input signal, the Data Projector will select it automatically and project the signal
contents. In this case, however, either Viewer or Wireless will start up in the background,
depending upon the type of USB device that is connected to the Data Projector.
Connecting to a USB Device while the Data Projector is
If you connect a USB device to the Data Projector’s USB port while it is turned on, it will
perform one of the following operations (depending on its current plug-and-play setting).
When plug-and-play is enabled:
When this type of device is
The Data Projector does this automatically:
USB memory device or USB
card reader with memory card
YW-2 Wireless Adapter
Starts up Wireless and projects the Wireless screen.
YC-400/YC-430 Document
Document Camera is turned on and projects the YC Camera
application screen.
When plug-and-play is disabled:
In this case, the image that is currently being projected does not change. However, Viewer,
Wireless, or the YC Camera Application will start up in the background, depending upon
the type of USB device that is connected to the Data Projector.
Changing the Input Source while a USB Device is
On the Data Projector’s remote controller, press the [INPUT] key to change the input
source. Each time you press the [INPUT] key, the Data Projector will check the RGB
terminal, VIDEO terminal, and USB port for an input signal. If it finds a signal, it will
select it as the input source automatically and project its contents.
Installing Data Projector Software
Use the procedures in this section to install the software that comes bundled with the
Data Projector onto your computer.
When you want to do this:
Install this software:
Convert a PowerPoint file, PDF file, Web page, or other data to an
image file that can be projected from the projector, and store it on a
USB memory device or memory card
EZ-Converter PRO
z Convert PowerPoint files to image files, arrange the sequence of
EZ-Converter 1.1
image files, and store data to a USB memory device or memory
z Convert image files to monochrome negatives for projection onto a
Minimum System Requirements
The following describes minimum computer system requirements to run the bundled
• Operating System: Microsoft Windows Vista , Windows XP SP2, or 2000 Professional SP4
• Computer: IBM PC/AT or compatible that conforms to the following conditions.
• Windows Vista®, Windows® XP, or 2000 Professional pre-installed
• PowerPoint 2000, 2002, 2003, or 2007 installed (to use EZ-Converter 1.1)
• CPU: Pentium® III 800MHz or higher; CPU recommended for your computer’s
operating system
• Memory: 256MB minimum or amount of memory recommended for operating system
being run
• Hard Disk: At least 40MB for installation or at least 60MB when running
• Display: Full-color display with resolution of at least 800 × 600 that is supported by
above operating systems and the computer being used.
• Input Device: Keyboard or other pointing device (mouse supported above operating
system or equivalent device)
• Normal operation may not be possible under certain hardware configurations.
• Operation is not supported on a computer running Windows® NT, Me, 98SE, 98, 95, or
3.1, or on a Macintosh or Mac OS computer.
• Operation on a computer upgraded to Windows Vista®, Windows® XP, or 2000
Professional from another operating system is not supported.
• Operation is not supported under Windows Vista® 64-bit version.
• Operation on a computer running Windows® XP Professional x64 Edition is not
To install software
Place the bundled CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
z This displays the dialog box shown below.
Select the check box of the software you want to install.
Click the [Install] button.
z This will start installation.
Keep clicking the [Next] button on the dialog boxes that appear.
z If your computer is running Windows Vista and the dialog box shown below appears,
click [Continue].
z If your computer is running Windows XP and the dialog box shown below appears, click
the [Continue Anyway] button.
z If your computer is running Windows 2000 and the message “The software you are
about to install does not contain a Microsoft digital signature.” appears, click the [Yes]
z The dialog box shown below will appear after installation is complete.
Click the [Finish] button.
Projecting Presentation Images from a USB
Memory Device or Memory Card
This section explains how to perform the following operations.
z How to use the bundled EZ-Converter PRO and EZ-Converter 1.1 software to save image
files to a USB memory device or memory card
z How to use the Data Projector Viewer to play back image and/or movie files that have
been saved to a USB memory device or memory card
In order to perform the procedures in this section, you will first need to install the
software from the bundled CD-ROM onto your computer. For more information, see
Supported USB Memory Devices
The Data Projector supports connection of the following types of FAT/FAT32 format USB
memory devices.
z USB memory
z USB Mass Storage Class compatible digital cameras
For details about supported USB memory devices (products whose operation has been
Connecting a commercially available USB card reader to the Data Projector makes it possible
to handle data on memory cards supported by the reader the same way as USB memory
device data. For details about supported USB card readers, see the CASIO website.
Supported Playback Data Types
The data types listed below can be played back using the Data Projector’s Viewer.
Image Files
Playback is supported JPEG (jpg, jpeg, jpe; excluding progressive format) format or BMP
(bmp) format image files up to 6 Mbytes in size.
Movie Files
Playback is supported for the following movie file formats.
• MPEG-4 Type avi Format Movie Files Recorded on a CASIO Digital Camera
Applicable Recording Modes: Fine Mode (640 × 480, 30fps, up to 15MB),
Normal Mode (640 × 480, 30fps, up to 15MB),
Long Play Mode (320 × 240, 15fps)
Applicable Audio Format: wav
• Motion JPEG Type avi Format Movie Files Recorded on a CASIO Digital Camera
Applicable Recording Modes: Long Play Mode (320 × 240, 15fps)
Applicable Audio Format: wav
• mp4 Format Movie Files Converted Using Computer Software
Applicable Formats: VGA (640 × 480) size (25fps maximum when less than 15MB,
15fps maximum for 15MB or greater recommended),
QVGA (320 × 240) size (15fps maximum recommended)
Applicable Audio Format: AAC
Preparing a Presentation by Saving Image Files to a
Memory Device or Memory Card
In order to use a USB memory device or memory card for a presentation, you must first
save the image files to the applicable media. The software that comes with the Data
Projector helps to simplify the presentation preparation procedure.
You can use EZ-Converter PRO to convert files (PowerPoint, PDF, etc.) that are on your
computer’s hard disk to image files, and save the image files to a USB memory device or
memory card. With EZ-Converter 1.1, you can rearrange the projection sequence of image
files, and convert images to monochrome negative to make them easier to view when
projecting onto a blackboard.
Using EZ-Converter PRO
EZ-Converter PRO is software that converts computer files
CASIO EZ-Converter PRO
to JPEG image files that can be used in presentations.
You can convert a file using the print function of the
application used to create the file.
Operation of EZ-Converter PRO has been verified for the following applications. No
guarantees are made concerning operation with any particular application.
z Word 2000 / 2002 / 2003 / 2007
z Excel 2000 / 2002 / 2003 / 2007
z PowerPoint 2000 / 2002 / 2003 / 2007
z Adobe Reader / Acrobat Version 6 / 7 / 8
z WordPad Version 5 / 6
To convert a document to an image file
Using the appropriate application, open the document that you want to convert
to an image.
Perform the required procedure in the application you are using to launch a
print operation.
z This will display a dialog box for configuring print settings. The sample below shows the
dialog box for a document opened with WordPad.
Depending on the application you used to open the document, perform one of
the following operations.
z WordPad, etc.: Use “Select Printer” to select “CASIO EZ-Converter PRO”.
z Adobe Reader, PowerPoint, Word, etc.: In the “Printer” group, click the “Name” down
arrow button and then select “CASIO EZ-Converter PRO” from the menu that appears.
Steps 4 through 6 are required only if you want to change the output image file size
and resolution settings from their initial defaults (Size: 1024 × 768, Resolution:
Standard). If you want to use the initial default settings without changing them, skip
these steps and jump to step 7.
Click the [Properties] button or [Preferences] button.
z This will display the CASIO EZ-Converter PRO Properties dialog box or a printer setup
dialog box. Actual button names and dialog box names depend on the application you
are using.
Configure the output image file size and resolution settings.
z To specify the size, click the image size down arrow button and then select the image
file size from the menu that appears.
z For the quality setting, select the button next to either “Normal-quality” or “High-quality”.
Click the [OK] button.
z This will close the CASIO EZ-Converter PRO Properties dialog box and return to the
print setup dialog box.
Click the [OK] button.
z This will display a dialog box for selecting the location where you want to store the
image file.
Click the drive where you want to save the image file.
z If you want to save the image file in an existing folder, click the folder to select it.
In the “Folder Name” text box, enter the name of the folder where you want to
save the image file.
z The name you enter here will be used for both the file name and for name of the folder
where the image file is saved. If the document has multiple pages, each page will be
saved as a separate image file, with each file named using the following format: Entered
Name - XXX (XXX is a three-digit serial number).
Click the [OK] button.
z This will start the conversion process. Wait until the message “JPEG image output
complete!” appears.
A dialog box with the message “The name you specified is already used by another
folder. Specify a different name.” may appear when you perform step 10.
If it does, click the dialog box’s [OK] button to return to the Save Destination dialog
box, and change the name in the “Folder Name” text box.
Tip: Convertible document types
The aspect ratio (horizontal:vertical) of the image projected by the Data Projector is 4:3.
Because of this use of a page aspect ratio setting that comes as close to this as possible
is recommended. Projecting an image file whose aspect ratio has been altered may cause
deterioration of the projected image’s resolution.
Document File Conversion Precautions
Microsoft PowerPoint
On the print dialog box, be sure to select the “Scale to fit paper” check box.
Microsoft Word
z Regardless of whether or not you are using initial default settings, you should display
the CASIO EZ-Converter PRO Properties dialog box and click the [OK] button.
z Depending on the type of document you are converting, output of the image file can
take an extremely long time. If this happens, clear the “Background printing” check box
on the print dialog box.
Microsoft Excel
Display the print preview, adjust the range of the area that you want to output to the
image file, and then perform the output.
Using EZ-Converter PRO Launcher
EZ-Converter PRO Launcher lets you use drag and drop to convert a document to an
image file and to access document conversion help.
To use EZ-Converter PRO Launcher
On your computer’s Windows Start menu, select [All Programs] - [CASIO] - [EZ-
Converter PRO].
Carefully read the “Important!” message that appears, and then click the [OK]
z This will display EZ-Converter PRO Launcher.
Select the operation you want to perform.
To convert a document to an image file
1. Drop the document you want to convert to an image file onto
z Read the contents of the “File Drag & Drop Precautions” dialog box that appears.
2. If the application used to create the document you dropped onto the icon in step 1 is
already running, quit it.
z Be sure to perform this step. If you continue this procedure without quitting the
application, the document will be output to the printer that is currently configured for
the application.
3. On the “File Drag & Drop Precautions” dialog box, click the [OK] button.
z The above works only with a document that can be opened by double-clicking its
icon (one that has an associated application). A document that does not have an
associated application or a document that cannot be printed for some reason cannot
be converted to an image file using drag and drop.
z Some documents that are associated with certain applications will open with the
associated application as soon as they are dragged to
, without displaying the
save dialog box. If this happens, perform the application’s print operation.
To display the CASIO EZ-Converter PRO Properties dialog box
To display help
To exit EZ-Converter PRO Launcher, click the [x] button.
Using EZ-Converter 1.1
EZ-Converter 1.1 is software that lets you register images on your computer as
presentation data, rearrange the projection sequence of the images that make up a
presentation, select image transition effects, and more. It also can be used to convert a
PowerPoint file to presentation data.
2005 Newtone Corp.
Presentation data created with EZ-Converter 1.1 consists of image files (jpg) and a
presentation file (plf). The presentation (plf) file contains playback settings that control
the playback sequence of the image files on the USB memory device or memory card.
For details about projection using presentation file settings, see “Using the Presentation
To create presentation data
On your computer’s Windows Start menu, select [All Programs] - [CASIO] - [EZ-
z This will display EZ-Converter 1.1 window.
Select [Tools] - [Options].
z This will display the Options dialog box.
Configure the image file size and resolution settings to be applied when
presentation data is saved.
z To specify the size, click the image size down arrow button and then select the image
file size from the menu that appears.
z For the quality setting, select the button next to either “Normal-quality” or “High-quality”.
Click the [OK] button to close the Options dialog box.
Use Windows Explorer to locate the image files (jpg, jpeg, bmp) you want to
include in the presentation, and drag them to the EZ-Converter 1.1 window.
z This will insert the image files into the presentation data and display their thumbnails in
the EZ-Converter 1.1 window.
Repeat step 5 as many times as necessary to add all of the image files you
z You can select and drag multiple files, if you want.
z A single presentation can contain up to 500 image files.
In the EZ-Converter 1.1 window, rearrange the sequence of files, delete files, and
configure playback settings as required.
z For information about rearranging the sequence of files, see EZ-Converter 1.1 help.
To save the presentation data, click the [Save] button or select [File] - [Save
Presentation File As].
z This will display the Save As dialog box.
Enter the file name you want and then click the [OK] button.
z This will display a dialog box for specifying the location where you want to store the file.
Specify the location where you want to store the file and then click the [OK]
10 button.
z This will create a folder with the name you specified in step 9 and store the
presentation data in the folder.
Performing this procedure will generate the presentation data shown below, based on
the file name you specified in step 9.
Example: When you input the folder name “Market Data 2007” for a 50-image
Market Data 2007 (Folder)
Market Data 2007.plf
Market Data 2007 001.jpg
Market Data 2007 002.jpg
Market Data 2007 003.jpg
ꢀ Presentation file
Image files
Market Data 2007 050.jpg
To create presentation data by converting a PowerPoint File
In order to perform the following procedures, PowerPoint 2000, 2002, 2003, or 2007 will
need to be installed on the computer.
Perform steps 1 through 4 of the procedure under “To create presentation data”
(page 20).
Either click the
z This will display the Select a PowerPoint file dialog box.
button or select [File] - [Convert PowerPoint File].
Select the PowerPoint file you want to convert and then click the [Open] button.
z This displays the Converting PowerPoint file dialog box.
z After conversion is complete, the EZ-Converter 1.1 window will reappear with thumbnails
of the converted images.
Instead of steps 2 and 3 of the above procedure, you could also drop a single
PowerPoint file into the EZ-Converter 1.1 window.
To configure presentation data playback settings
On the EZ-Converter 1.1 window, display the presentation data whose playback
settings you want to configure.
Either click the
z This displays the Presentation File Setup dialog box.
button or select [Tools] - [Presentation File Setup].
Configure the settings you want.
To configure image change settings
Under [Display Interval], click either [Manual] or [Auto]. If you select [Auto], you then can
click the down arrow button to the right and specify the display interval of each image.
To configure the repeat setting
Under [Repeat], click either [On] (repeat) or [Off] (one time).
To configure the image transition effect setting
Under [Image Transition Effect], select either [On] (transition effect enabled) or [Off]
(transition effect disabled). If you select [On], you then can click the down arrow button to
the right to select the effect you want to use.
After configuring all the settings you want, click the [OK] button.
You also can configure playback settings on the projector by performing a presentation
To open a presentation file
Either click the
z This displays the Open Presentation File dialog box.
button or select [File] - [Open Presentation File].
Select the presentation (plf) file you want to open and then click [Open].
z This will open the selected presentation file and display in the EZ-Converter 1.1 window
thumbnails of the image files that are linked to the presentation file.
To convert all presentation data images to monochrome negative
Converting color images to monochrome negative makes the projected images easier to
view on a blackboard.
Monochrome negative images cannot be converted back to color images. You can,
however, cancel a conversion immediately after you perform it by using the [Edit] -
[Undo] command.
On the EZ-Converter 1.1 window, open the presentation data you want to
Either click the
z This will cause the dialog box shown below to appear.
button or select [Tools] - [Monochrome Negative].
Click the [Make all images monochrome-negative] button.
z This will convert all of the image files contained in the presentation data to monochrome
If you want to convert only selected images to monochrome negative, click the [Make
focus image monochrome-negative] button in step 2.
To save edited presentation data
Either click the
button or select [File] - [Save Presentation File]. This saves the edited
presentation data by replacing the original data.
To save edited presentation data as a new file
Either click the [Save] button or select [File] - [Save Presentation File As].
z This will display the Save As dialog box.
Enter the file name you want and then click the [OK] button.
z This will display a dialog box for specifying the location where you want to store the file.
Specify the location where you want to store the file and then click the [OK]
To save presentation data image files only
Perform the following operation to save the image files only (without creating a
presentation file) when you want the images to be optimized for the projector’s Viewer
setup menu settings while performing a presentation using the Data Projector’s Viewer
Select [Tools] - [Options] to display the Options dialog box.
Clear the check box next to “Create presentation file (*.plf).”
Click the [OK] button to close the dialog box.
z Only the image files are saved to the specified folder, without creating a presentation file.
In order to create a presentation file when you perform a save operation, display the
Options dialog box and select the check box next to “Create presentation file (*.plf).”
Option Settings
Selecting [Tools] - [Options] on the EZ-Converter 1.1 window will display an Options dialog
box, which you can use to configure the settings of various operations. Refer to the
sections of this manual shown below for details about the settings you can configure on
the Options dialog box.
EZ-Converter 1.1 Menu and Button Reference
This section provides detailed information about the EZ-Converter 1.1 menu commands and
about the buttons that appear on the EZ-Converter 1.1 window.
Perform this menu
Or click
this button:
To do this:
Convert a PowerPoint file to presentation data and display it
in the EZ-Converter 1.1 window
[File] - [Convert
PowerPoint File]
Clear presentation data currently in the EZ-Converter 1.1
[File] - [Clear
Presentation File]
Open an existing presentation (plf) file and display its
contents in the EZ-Converter 1.1 window
[File] - [Open
Presentation File]
Save the presentation data currently in the EZ-Converter 1.1
window to an existing file, which overwrites the current
contents of the existing file
[File] - [Save
Presentation File]
Save the presentation data currently in the EZ-Converter 1.1
window to a new file
[File] - [Save
Presentation File As]
Save the presentation data currently in the EZ-Converter 1.1
window under a different name
[File] - [Save
Presentation File As]
Exit EZ-Converter 1.1
[File] - [Exit]
Undo the last editing operation you performed on the EZ-
Converter 1.1 window
[Edit] - [Undo]
Add an image file to the presentation data currently in the
EZ-Converter 1.1 window
[Edit] - [Add Image to
Presentation File]
[Edit] - [Delete Image
from Presentation
Delete an image file from the presentation data currently in
the EZ-Converter 1.1 window
Move an image file in the presentation data currently in the
EZ-Converter 1.1 window one position to the left (towards
the beginning)
[Edit] - [Move Image
Move an image file in the presentation data currently in the
EZ-Converter 1.1 window one position to the right (towards
the end)
[Edit] - [Move Image
Configure playback settings of the presentation data currently
in the EZ-Converter 1.1 window
[Tools] - [Presentation
File Setup]
Convert all presentation data image files (or the selected
image file) in the presentation data currently in the EZ-
Converter 1.1 window to monochrome negative
[Tools] - [Monochrome
Configure EZ-Converter 1.1 options
Display EZ-Converter 1.1 help
[Tools] - [Options]
[Help] - [Help]
[Help] - [About EZ-
Converter 1.1...]
Display EZ-Converter 1.1 version information
Playing a Presentation with Viewer
Viewer is a Data Projector built-in application for playing back image and movie files that
are stored on a memory device that is currently loaded via the Data Projector’s USB port
(USB memory device, memory card loaded in a USB card reader, etc.)
Viewer starts up automatically when a supported USB memory device is plugged into the
Data Projector USB port, or when a memory card is loaded into a USB card reader that
is connected to the Data Projector’s USB port.
z All of the operations in this section are performed using the Data Projector’s remote
controller keys or the Data Projector’s keys.
To connect a USB memory device to the Data Projector
Turn on the Data Projector.
z Wait until the Data Projector’s POWER/STANDBY indicator is lit green.
Plug the USB memory device that contains the data you want to project with
Viewer into the Data Projector’s USB port.
z After the Data Projector detects the USB memory device, it will start up Viewer
USB memory device.
z Viewer will not start up automatically if the Data Projector’s plug-and-play feature is
turned off. In this case, you will need to press the [INPUT] key to switch the input
source to the USB memory device. For more details about the plug-and-play setting,
see “Setup Menu Contents” in the User’s Guide.
z Only files of formats that are recognized by the Data Projector (jpg, jpeg, jpe, bmp,
avi, mp4) appear in the file menu. Note that even if a file appears in the file menu,
it does not mean that the file can be displayed or played back by the Data Projector.
z The file menu displays USB memory device contents in the following sequence:
folders, movie files, image files. For details about how to play back a movie file, see
Connecting a USB Card Reader to the Data Projector
Turn on the Data Projector.
z Wait until the Data Projector’s POWER/STANDBY indicator is lit green.
Connect the USB card reader to the Data Projector USB port.
Load the memory card that contains the data you want to project with Viewer
into the card slot of the USB card reader.
z For details about how to load a memory card into the USB card reader, see the user
documentation that comes with the reader.
z After the Data Projector detects the loaded memory card, it will start up Viewer
memory card.
z Viewer will not start up automatically if the Data Projector’s plug-and-play feature is
turned off. In this case, you will need to press the [INPUT] key to switch the input
source to the memory card. For more details about the plug-and-play setting, see
“Setup Menu Contents” in the User’s Guide.
z Only files of formats that are recognized by the Data Projector (jpg, jpeg, jpe, bmp,
avi, mp4) appear in the file menu. Note that even if a file appears in the file menu,
it does not mean that the file can be displayed or played back by the Data Projector.
z The file menu displays USB memory device contents in the following sequence:
folders, movie files, image files. For details about how to play back a movie file, see
Drive Menu Operations
If the USB memory device or memory card has multiple drives, a menu of drives will
appear when Viewer starts up. There are two different views for the drive menu: an icon
view and a tree view.
Icon View
Tree View
All detected drives are displayed with a USB memory device icon, regardless of the
media type (USB memory device or any type of memory card).
To view the files on a particular drive
Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to the drive whose files you want
to view.
Press the [ENTER] key.
z This will display the files in the root directory of the drive you selected.
To switch between the icon view and the tree view
Press the [ ] key.
To update the drive menu with the latest information
Press the [U] key.
File Menu Operations
There are two different views for the file menu: a thumbnail view and a tree view.
Thumbnail View
Tree View
Thumbnail View
This view shows thumbnails of the image files and movie files contained on the USB
memory device or memory card. Folders are shown as icons.
A question mark (?) in place of a thumbnail indicates an image file that cannot be
displayed by Viewer for some reason.
Tree View
This view shows a Windows Explorer type tree representation of the folders, image files,
and movie files on the USB memory device or memory card.
To switch between the thumbnail view and the tree view
Press the [FUNC] key.
z This displays the Viewer function menu shown below.
Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Screen Format” and then press
the [ENTER] key.
z This toggles between the thumbnail view and the tree view.
To scroll file menu pages
To scroll to the next menu page press the [ꢀ] key. To scroll back to the previous page,
press the [U] key.
Arrow indicators appear on right side of the file menu to indicate that there are more
files above (
when is indicated, or [U] key when
) or below (
) the current screen. Press the [ꢀ] key to scroll down
is indicated.
To open a folder
Use the cursor keys to select the file you want to open.
Press the [ENTER] key.
z This opens the selected folder and displays a menu of its contents.
z With the tree view, you could also press the [X] key instead of the [ENTER] key.
To close the current folder and move up to the next level
Thumbnail View
Press the [ESC] key.
Tree View
Press the [ESC] key or the [W] key. This will collapse the folder where the highlighting is
currently located and move the highlighting to the next higher level.
To select a file menu item and display its image
Use the cursor keys to select the file whose image you want to display.
Press the [ENTER] key.
z This will display a full-size version of the image that fills the projection area.
To return to the file menu, press the [ESC] key.
z If the selected file is too large to fit within the projection area, the message “Cannot
display an image file.” will appear.
z For information about operations you can perform while the image of a file is being
To start a slideshow from a particular image file
Use the cursor keys to select the file whose image from which you want to
start the slideshow.
Press the [ ] key.
z This will display a full-size version of the image that fills the projection area. Now the
Data Projector will advance to the next image automatically at a regular interval (default:
5 seconds).
z If “Manual” is selected for the “Image Switching” setting, the image will not change
automatically. In this case, press the [X] key to advance to the next image.
To stop the slideshow and return to the file menu, press the [ESC] key.
z A slideshow displays the image files (jpg or bmp) that are included in the same
folder as the image file you select in step 1 of the above procedure. All other files
are ignored.
z For information about how you can specify the interval between images, image
transition effects, and other playback settings, see “Configuring Viewer Setup Menu
z A slideshow that uses presentation data created with EZ-Converter 1.1 will be played
back in accordance with the playback settings included in the presentation data. For
To move the highlighting to the previously projected image file
While the thumbnail view or tree view is being projected, press the [FUNC] key.
z This will display the Viewer function menu.
Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Return to previously displayed
image.” and then press the [ENTER] key.
z This returns to the image file that was projected immediately before the last projected
This function comes in handy in the following cases.
z To return the highlighting to the last projected image file after projecting a movie file.
z To return the highlighting to the image where a slideshow was paused in order to
project a movie file.
Using the Presentation Menu
The folder that contains the presentation file created using the EZ-Converter 1.1 software
Presentation folders appear along with other folders on the Viewer file menu, and they are
indistinguishable from other folders. Because of this, Viewer also provides a “presentation
menu” that makes it easy to find all of the presentation folders that are included on a
USB memory device or memory card.
To view the presentation menu
While the Viewer file menu is shown, press the [FUNC] key.
z This displays the Viewer function menu shown below.
Check to make sure that “View Presentation List” is selected and then press the
[ENTER] key.
z This displays a presentation menu like the one shown below.
Thumbnail of first
image file in
Presentation file
Presentation path
To perform a slideshow by running a presentation file
Use the [T] and [S] keys to move the highlighting to the presentation file you
want to run.
Press the [ENTER] key or the [ ] key.
z This will start the currently selected presentation file.
z The image file sequence, display time for each image, and image transition effect will all
be in accordance with the settings stored in the presentation file. For more information,
To stop the slideshow, press the [ESC] key.
z The file menu (not the presentation menu) will reappear after the slideshow stops
when you press the [ESC] key or after it stops automatically.
To return to the file menu from the presentation menu
Press the [ESC] key.
Operations during Image File Content Projection
To scroll between image files
Use the [X] and [W] keys.
To do this:
Press this key:
Display the content of the next image file
Display the content of the previous image file
Scrolling to a file that is too large to fit within the projection area will cause the
message “Cannot display an image file.” to appear.
To rotate an image
Use the [S] and [T] keys.
To do this:
Press this key:
Rotate the image 90 degrees right
Rotate the image 90 degrees left
You can also rotate an image by pressing the [FUNC] key to display the Viewer
function menu. Move the highlighting to “Rotate Right” or “Rotate Left” and then press
the [ENTER] key.
To start a slideshow from the currently displayed image file content
Press the [ ] key.
You can also start a slideshow from the currently displayed image file content by
pressing the [FUNC] key to display the Viewer function menu. Move the highlighting to
“Start Slideshow” and then press the [ENTER] key.
To return to the file menu from image file content
Press the [ESC] key.
Operations during a Slideshow
To pause a slideshow while auto image change is turned on
Press the [ꢀ] key.
To unpause a slideshow while auto image change is turned on
Press the [ ] key.
To scroll between image files during a slideshow
Use the cursor keys.
To do this:
Press this key:
Scroll to the content of the next image file
Scroll to the content of the previous image file
After scrolling to an image file, the slideshow will scroll to the next image file
automatically after the preset time interval if “Auto” is selected for the “Image Switching”
setting. Note, however, that this is not true while the slideshow is paused.
To stop a slideshow and return to the file menu
Press the [ESC] key.
Slideshow Start Error
The error message shown below may appear when you attempt to start a slideshow using
There is a problem with the slideshow setup file. Cannot start the slideshow.
If this happens, use EZ-Converter 1.1 to create a new presentation file and store it on the
USB memory device or memory card. Next, use the new presentation file to run the
Using Viewer to Play a Movie
This section explains procedures you can use to play a movie using Viewer.
For details about movie files whose playback is supported, see “Supported Playback
To play a movie file
On the file menu, select the movie file you want to play.
Press the [ENTER] key.
z This will start playback of the selected movie file.
z If the movie includes audio of a format that is supported by the Data Projector, the
audio will be played back with the video.
To stop movie playback and return to the file menu, press the [ESC] key.
z Pressing the [ENTER] key while a file whose playback is not supported by the Data
Projector is selected will cause the error message “This movie file cannot be played
back.” to appear.
z To output audio to an external speaker, use commercially available audio cable to
connect the speaker to the AV terminal of the Data Projector. On the “Option Settings
2” of the “Setup” menu, select “Line” for the “USB Audio Out” setting.
z Never connect earphones or headphones to the Data Projector AV terminal.
Operations during Movie File Playback
You can perform the operations described below during movie file playback.
To do this:
Perform this operation:
Pause movie playback
Press the [ENTER] key.
To restart movie playback after it has been pause, press the
[ENTER] key again.
Fast reverse
Press the [W] key.
Press the [X] key.
Press the [ESC] key.
Fast forward
Stop movie playback
Jump to the beginning of the
currently playing movie file
and pause there
1. Press the [FUNC] key to display the viewer function menu.
z “Jump to Beginning” should be selected by default.
2. Press the [ENTER] key.
Jump to the end of the
currently playing movie file
and pause there
1. Press the [FUNC] key to display the viewer function menu.
2. Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Jump to End” and
then press the [ENTER] key.
Skip to the beginning of the
next movie file (on the file
menu) and play it
1. Press the [FUNC] key to display the viewer function menu.
2. Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Skip to Next
Movie” and then press the [ENTER] key.
Skip to the beginning of the
previous movie file (on the
file menu) and play it
1. Press the [FUNC] key to display the viewer function menu.
2. Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Skip to Previous
Movie” and then press the [ENTER] key.
Turn display of the playback
time on and off
Press the [ ] key or perform the following steps.
1. Press the [FUNC] key to display the viewer function menu.
2. Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Time Indicator
On/Off” and then press the [ENTER] key.
Pressing the [FUNC] key during movie playback will pause playback and display the
Viewer function menu. Playback will resume when you press the [ESC] key to close the
Viewer function menu.
Configuring Viewer Setup Menu Settings
z When you perform a slideshow by running a presentation file created with EZ-
Converter 1.1, the slideshow settings on the Viewer setup menu (Image Switching,
Slideshow Display Interval, Slideshow Transition Effect, and Slideshow Repeat) are
you are running.
z When you want to perform a slideshow of saved image data using EZ-Converter 1.1
in accordance with the Viewer setup menu settings, save the image files only without
To configure Viewer setup menu settings
Press the [MENU] key to display the setup menu.
Press the [T] key to move the highlighting to “USB” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
Press the [T] key once to move the highlighting to “Setup” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
z This will display the Viewer setup menu.
Use [T] and [S] to select the menu item whose setting you want to change.
What you should do next depends on whether or not [ENTER] is displayed at
the far right of the setting you are configuring (the one that is highlighted).
If [ENTER] is displayed:
a. Press the [ENTER] key.
b. On the submenu that appears, use [T] and [S] to move the highlighting to the setting
you want to select.
Example: The following is the submenu that appears when “Display Sequence Setup” is
selected in step 2, above.
c. Press the [ENTER] key.
d. To return to the Viewer setup menu, press the [ESC] key.
If [ENTER] is not displayed:
Press the [W] or [X] key to select the setting you want (so its button is
Repeat steps 4 and 5 to configure other settings, if you want.
After all the settings are the way you want, press the [MENU] key to exit the
Viewer setup menu.
To restore all settings on the Viewer setup menu to their initial factory
Press the [MENU] key to display the setup menu.
Press the [T] key to move the highlighting to “USB” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
Press the [T] key once to move the highlighting to “Setup” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
z This will display the Viewer setup menu.
Press the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Initialize Viewer Setup” and then
press the [ENTER] key.
z This displays the dialog box shown below.
Use the [S] key to select “Yes”.
To restore all the settings to their initial defaults, press the [ENTER] key.
z To exit the operation without doing anything, press [ESC] instead of [ENTER].
To exit the Viewer setup menu, press the [ESC] key.
Viewer Setup Menu Contents
This section provides detailed explanations of all of the items included on the Viewer setup
menu. The initial default setting for each item is indicated by an asterisk (*).
Setting Name
Image Zoom
In the case of image sizes other than XGA, specifies whether or not to
enlarge or reduce (zoom) images to fit the projection area.
Turns on image zooming.
No Zoom:
Turns off image zooming.
Display Sequence
Specifies the sequence of images in the file menu or presentation menu.
File Names (Ascending)*:
Displays files in file name ascending order.
File Names (Descending):
Displays files in file name descending order.
Time (New-to-Old):
Displays files by the time they were last modified, from the newest to the
Time (Old-to-New):
Displays files by the time they were last modified, from the oldest to the
Startup Mode
Specifies whether the initial view when Viewer is started up is the thumbnail
Specifies thumbnail view.
Specifies tree view.
Image Switching
Specifies the slideshow image change method.
Specifies manual image change.
Specifies auto image change.
Slideshow Display
Specifies how long each image will remain displayed during a slideshow.
5 seconds*, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes
Transition Effect
Specifies the image transition effect to be used during a slideshow.
Off, Slide In - Left to Right*, Slide In - Right to Left, Slide In - Top to Bottom,
Slide In - Bottom to Top, Wipe - Left to Right, Wipe - Right to Left,
Wipe - Top to Bottom, Wipe - Bottom to Top, Dissolve
Setting Name
Slideshow Repeat
Specifies whether or not slideshows and movie file playback should repeat
when the end it reached.
Slideshows and movie playback are repeated.
Slideshows and movie playback are not repeated.
Movie Display
Specifies the display size during movie playback.
Enlarges to the size of the projection area.
No Zoom:
Specifies the original size of the movie file.
Initialize Viewer
Returns all Viewer setting menu items to their initial default settings. For
Viewer Error Messages
Required Action
There is a problem
with the slideshow
setup file. Cannot
start the slideshow.
There is some problem
with the presentation file
created with EZ-Converter
Use EZ-Converter 1.1 to regenerate the
entire set of presentation data (presentation
file and image files) and save the new data
to the USB memory device or memory
Folder does not
contain any image
There is no displayable
folder, image file, or
movie file in the folder
you are trying to access
with Viewer.
z Use EZ-Converter 1.1 to generate
presentation data and save it to the USB
memory device or memory card.
z Copy image files or movie files from your
computer to the folder on the USB
memory device or memory card.
Cannot display an
image file.
The image file cannot be
displayed because it is
too large to display within
the projection area or
because there is
Make sure the image files on the USB
memory device or memory card are no
larger than 6 Mbytes.
Progressive JPEG image files are not
something wrong with it.
Could not find an
image file.
One or more image files
that were saved as
presentation data cannot
be found.
Use EZ-Converter 1.1 to regenerate the
entire set of presentation data (presentation
file and image files) and save the new data
to the USB memory device or memory
This movie file
cannot be played
The file you are trying to
play back is an
unsupported format or
there is something wrong
with it.
z Convert the unsupported file to a file
format that is supported and copy it to
the USB memory device or memory card.
z Copy a movie file that is a format
supported by Viewer to the USB memory
device or memory card.
Viewer Troubleshooting
Some folders and/or files are not displayed in the file menu
• All the folders and/or files contained in a folder will not be displayed if there are more
than 999 folders and/or files inside the folder. If this happens, reduce the number of
folders and/or files in the folder.
• Viewer supports up to 10 folder nesting levels on a USB memory device or memory
card. Anything past the 10th nested folder is not displayed by Viewer.
How can I get images to appear more quickly?
When you select a BMP image or a large image file recorded with a digital camera on
the Viewer’s image menu, it takes considerable time before the image appears. To ensure
that images appear quickly during your presentation, use EZ-Converter 1.1 to convert the
images to presentation data. This will cause images to be converted to JPEG images,
which appear on the display more quickly.
I am having a hard time getting the results I want when playing a
• Use EZ-Converter 1.1 to convert the images you want to use in the slideshow to
presentation data.
• In order to start a slideshow by highlighting an image file in a folder that is not a
presentation data folder, you first need to use the Viewer Setup menu to configure
slideshow settings (Slideshow Display Interval, Slideshow Transition Effect, Image
Switching, Slideshow Repeat).
Performing a Presentation Using the
YC-400/YC-430 Document Camera
This section explains how to connect the CASIO YC-400/YC-430 Multi PJ Camera System
(document camera) to the Data Projector in order to project the images of documents placed
on the document stage of the document camera. The Data Projector’s built-in application
named YC Camera is used to project document images.
A YC-400 document camera can be connected to the Data Projector only if the camera
is running firmware version 1.1 or higher. For information about checking the firmware
version of your YC-400 document camera, visit the CASIO website at:
YC Camera Application Function and Operation
YC Camera is an application built into the Data Projector that makes it possible to control
the YC-400/YC-430 document camera from the Data Projector. With the YC Camera
application you can project the image of documents placed on the document stage of the
document camera. Connecting the document camera to the Data Projector’s USB port and
turning on the document camera will cause the YC Camera application to start up
Connecting the Document Camera to the Data Projector
This section provides the basic steps you need to perform in order to connect the
document camera to the Data Projector and project the image of documents placed onto
the document camera’s document stage.
z The procedure below assumes that the Data Projector’s plug-and-play feature is turned
on (which is the initial default setting). If you have turned off plug-and-play, turn it
back on before performing the procedure below. For more details about the plug-and-
play setting, see “Setup Menu Contents” in the User’s Guide.
z The resolution of recorded images is fixed at 4 megapixels when a YC-400/YC-430
Document Camera is connected to the Data Projector. The resolution setting cannot
be changed in this case.
To connect the document camera to the Data Projector and project the
image of a document
Turn on the Data Projector.
z Wait until the Data Projector’s POWER/STANDBY indicator is lit green.
Connect the document camera to the Data Projector using the USB cable that
comes bundled with the document camera.
Camera stand
USB cable
Document stage
With nothing on the document stage, press the [
camera stand.
z This will turn on the document camera, which will cause its lens to extend.
] (power) button on the
z The Data Projector will recognize the document camera and start up the YC Camera
application automatically. When the YC Camera application starts up, the Data Projector
will project an image of the document stage along with a dialog box for adjusting the
document camera position.
z If the document camera is positioned correctly, position adjustment will end automatically
and the dialog box will close. At this time the monitor screen (the image being picked
up by the document camera) will be projected.
z If the document camera is not positioned correctly, a message prompting you to adjust
the document camera position will appear. Follow the instructions shown in the message
to adjust the document camera position.
Place the document whose image you want to project onto the document
camera’s document stage.
z Be sure to place the document in the center of the
stage, and do not let any part of the document
extend off the edges of the stage.
z When placing a landscape orientation document onto
the document stage, the top of the page should face
towards the camera stand.
z Initially the monitor image will be projected, and so
the image will appear a bit fuzzy.
z When the document camera senses that the document on the stage is not being moved,
it will record its image and switch from the fuzzy monitor image to a high-resolution
image (recorded image) automatically.
Rough (Monitor) Image
Recorded Image
Now you can replace the document currently on the stage with another one.
z This will switch to the recorded image of the next document automatically.
Step 5 above is what happens while the Data Projector’s YC Camera application is
configured with its initial default settings. The recorded image will not switch
automatically if you have changed the “Operation Mode” setting of the YC Camera
application to “Manual Capture”. For more information, see “YC Camera Application
YC Camera Application Operations
This section explains the various types of projection operations you can perform with the YC
Camera application and how to configure YC Camera application settings.
The procedures in this section assume that you have already connected the Document
Camera to the Data Projector as explained under “Connecting the Document Camera to
YC Camera Application Projection Operations
The operations in this section are performed using the YC Camera function menu, which
appears when you press the [FUNC] key while the YC Camera application is running.
Some operations can be performed using the remote controller’s [ ], [U], and [ꢀ] keys.
To release the document camera shutter manually
Press the [FUNC] key to display the YC Camera application function menu.
z The “Camera Shutter” item should be highlighted by default.
Press the [ENTER] key to release the document camera shutter.
z This will cause the image recorded with the document camera to be projected.
While a rough monitor image or recorded image is projected, you can release the
shutter manually by pressing the [ENTER] key, without pressing the [FUNC] key.
To adjust the document camera’s zoom setting
Press the [FUNC] key to display the YC Camera application function menu.
Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Camera Zoom/Focus” and then
press the [ENTER] key.
z This causes the YC Camera Zoom/Focus dialog box to appear in the projection area.
The “Optical Zoom” item should be highlighted by default.
Use the [X] and [W] keys to adjust the document camera’s zoom setting.
After the zoom setting is the way you want, press the [ESC] key.
z This will close the YC Camera Zoom/Focus dialog box.
To adjust document focus manually
Press the [FUNC] key to display the YC Camera application function menu.
Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Camera Zoom/Focus” and then
press the [ENTER] key.
z This causes the YC Camera Zoom/Focus dialog box to appear in the projection area.
Press the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Focus”.
Use the [X] and [W] keys to adjust the document camera’s focus.
After the focus is the way you want, press the [ESC] key.
z This will close the YC Camera Zoom/Focus dialog box.
To adjust the camera position
Remove all documents and objects from the document stage.
Press the [FUNC] key to display the YC Camera application function menu.
Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Adjust Camera Position” and then
press the [ENTER] key.
z This displays the camera position adjustment dialog box.
Point the document camera downwards so the lens is pointed towards the
document stage.
z Aim the camera as instructed by the text that appears in the projection area.
z When the document camera is positioned correctly, position adjustment will end and the
dialog box will close. At this time the monitor screen (the image being picked up by the
document camera) will be projected.
To rotate the currently projected image
This operation will affect only the image that is currently being projected. The projection
image produced the next time you release the shutter will be projected in accordance
with the settings on the YC Camera Application Setup Menu (page 55).
Press the [FUNC] key to display the YC Camera application function menu.
Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Rotate Right” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
z This will rotate the projected image 90 degrees to the right.
z Instead of steps 1 and 2 above, you can also rotate the projected image by pressing
the [ ] key.
To perform white enhancement on the currently projected image
z White enhancement causes the background of the projected image to be white
enhanced, which helps to make the text on a document easier to read.
z This operation will affect only the image that is currently being projected. The
projection image produced the next time you release the shutter will be projected in
accordance with the settings on the YC Camera Application Setup Menu (page 55).
You can perform white balance only on a projected image that has been skew
Press the [FUNC] key to display the YC Camera application function menu.
Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Enhance White” and then press
the [ENTER] key.
z This will enhance the white of the projected image.
z Instead of steps 1 and 2 above, you can also white enhance the projected image by
pressing the [U] key.
To perform manual skew correction on the currently projected image
z Skew correction automatically straightens the image of a document that is misaligned
on the document stage of the document camera. Under its initial defaults, the YC
Camera application is configured to perform skew correction automatically. You can
also turn off auto skew correction. If you do, you can use the following procedure to
adjust image alignment manually.
z This operation will affect only the image that is currently being projected. The
projection image produced the next time you release the shutter will be projected in
accordance with the settings on the YC Camera Application Setup Menu (page 55).
Press the [FUNC] key to display the YC Camera application function menu.
Use the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Skew Correction” and then press
the [ENTER] key.
z This will straighten the projected image.
z Instead of steps 1 and 2 above, you can also perform skew correction of the projected
image by pressing the [ꢀ] key.
Configuring YC Camera Application Setup Menu Settings
You can use the YC Camera setup menu to configure various YC Camera application
operation settings.
To configure YC Camera application setup menu settings
Press the [MENU] key to display the setup menu.
Press the [T] key to move the highlighting to “USB” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
Press the [T] key once to move the highlighting to “Setup” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
z This will display the YC Camera application setup menu.
Use [T] and [S] to select the menu item whose setting you want to change.
Press the [W] or [X] key to select the setting you want (so its button is ).
Repeat steps 4 and 5 to configure other settings, if you want.
After you are finished, press the [ESC] key to exit the setup menu.
Anytime you change the “White Enhancement” or “Skew Correction” setting, the new
setting goes into effect from the next image you record with the document camera after
exiting the setup menu. Other settings go into effect as soon as you exit the setup
To restore all settings on the YC Camera application setup menu to their
initial factory defaults
Press the [MENU] key to display the setup menu.
Press the [T] key to move the highlighting to “USB” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
Press the [T] key once to move the highlighting to “Setup” and then press the
[ENTER] key.
z This will display the YC Camera application setup menu.
Press the [T] key to move the highlighting to “Initialize YC Camera Setup” and
then press the [ENTER] key.
z This displays the dialog box shown below.
Use the [S] key to select “Yes”.
To restore all the settings to their initial defaults, press the [ENTER] key.
z To exit the operation without doing anything, press [ESC] instead of [ENTER].
After you are finished, press the [ESC] key to exit the setup menu.
YC Camera Application Setup Menu Contents
This section provides detailed explanations of all of the items included on the YC Camera
application setup menu. The initial default setting for each item is indicated by an asterisk
Setting Name
Operation Mode
Specifies whether recording of documents placed on the document stage of
the document camera should be performed automatically or manually.
Auto Capture*:
Automatically records the image of a document whenever it is placed on the
document stage.
Manual Capture:
Requires manual release of the shutter each time a document is placed on
the document stage.
Monitor Screen
Switches the monitor screen orientation.
Records the document on the document stage horizontally.
Records the document on the document stage vertically.
Specifies whether or not white enhancement should be performed on the
projected image.
Turns off white enhancement.
Turns on white enhancement.
The decision whether or not to perform white enhancement is made
automatically in accordance with the image being recorded.
White enhancement cannot be performed while the “Skew Correction”
setting is “Off”.
Setting Name
Skew Correction
Specifies whether or not skew correction should be performed automatically
on the projected image.
Turns on automatic skew correction.
Turns off automatic skew correction.
Project Document
Monitor Image
Specifies whether or not the camera’s monitor image should be projected
when a document is removed from the document stage.
Displays the monitor image.
Does not display the monitor image.
Initialize YC
Camera Setup
Returns all YC Camera application setup menu items to their initial default
Projecting the Screen Image of a Graphing Calculator
You can connect a CASIO graphing calculator to the Data Projector using a USB cable and
project the calculator’s screen image with the Data Projector. USB connection of the following
CASIO graphing calculators is supported.
z fx-9860G Series
To project the screen image of a graphing calculator
Set the graphing calculator up for data communication.
Enter the LINK Mode, and configure the “Wakeup” and “Capture” settings as shown below.
z Be sure to configure these communication settings before you connect the calculator to
the Data Projector.
z See the user documentation that comes with your calculator for details about configuring
these settings.
Turn on the Data Projector.
Use the USB cable that came with the graphing calculator to connect it to the
Data Projector as illustrated below.
z This will project an image of the graphing calculator from the Data Projector.
USB Cable
* The illustration shows the fx-9860G as an example.
z If an hourglass figure appears in the image projected from the Data Projector when
you connect the calculator, perform some operation on the calculator. This should
cause the hourglass to disappear and enable normal projection.
z If the calculator does not operate properly after you connect it to the Data Projector,
try disconnecting the USB cable from the calculator and then reconnecting it. If this
does not correct the problem, disconnect the USB cable from both the Data Projector
and the calculator. Turn the Data Projector off and then back on again, and then re-
connect the calculator.
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