HP Hewlett Packard Routing Services HP UX 11i v2 User Manual

HP -UX Rou tin g Ser vices Ad m in istr a tor s  
Gu id e  
HP -UX 11i v2  
Ed ition 1  
Ma n u fa ctu r in g Pa r t Nu m ber : B2355-90777  
Au gu st 2003  
© Copyright 2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P. All Rights Reserved.  
© Copyright 1989-93 The Open Software Foundation, Inc.  
© Copyright 1986 Digital Equipment Corporation.  
© Copyright 1990 Motorola, Inc.  
© Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 Cornell University  
© Copyright 1989-1991 The University of Maryland  
© Copyright 1988 Carnegie Mellon University  
Trademark Notices  
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other  
countries, licensed exclusively through The Open Group.  
Intel Itanium Processor Family is a trademark of Intel Corporation in  
the U.S. and other countries and is used under license.  
Abou t Th is Docu m en t  
1. Over view  
Multicast Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20  
Displaying mrouted Routing Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38  
3. Con figu r in g ga ted  
B: RIP Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55  
Example of a Large RIP Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55  
A: Cluster Node (or Isolated Node). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56  
B: Cluster (or Root) Server Node . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57  
C: End System on a LAN with RIP Routers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57  
Con ten ts  
Examples of import and export Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98  
Starting gated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99  
Verifying That gated Is Running . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100  
Troubleshooting gated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101  
Checking for Syntax Errors in the Configuration File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101  
Common Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104  
Problem 1: gated does not act as expected. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104  
Problem 2: gated deletes routes from the routing table.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106  
Problem 3: gated adds routes that appear to be incorrect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107  
Problem 4: gated does not add routes that you think it must. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108  
In d ex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109  
Con ten ts  
Abou t Th is Docu m en t  
This manual describes the various routing daemons supported in the  
HP-UX 11i v2 operating system.It is one of the five new manuals  
documenting the Internet Services suite of products. See Related  
Documentationon page 11 for a list of the other new Internet Services  
manuals. These manuals replace the manual Installing and  
Administering Internet Services (B2355-90685), which was shipped with  
previous releases of the operating system.  
This manual assumes that the HP-UX 11i v2 operating system software  
and the appropriate files, scripts, and subsets are installed.  
In ten d ed Au d ien ce  
This manual is intended for system and network administrators  
responsible for managing the Routing Services. Administrators are  
expected to have knowledge of operating system concepts, commands,  
and the various routing protocols. It is also helpful to have knowledge of  
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) networking  
concepts and network configuration; this manual is not a TCP/IP or a  
routing tutorial.  
HP -UX Relea se Na m e a n d Relea se Id en tifier  
Each HP-UX 11i release has an associated release name and release  
identifier. The uname(1) command with the -roption returns the  
release identifier. Table 1 shows the releases available for HP-UX 11i.  
Ta ble 1  
HP -UX 11i Relea ses  
Relea se  
Id en tifier  
Su p p or ted P r ocessor  
Ar ch itectu r e  
Relea se Na m e  
HP-UX 11i v1  
HP-UX 11i v1.5 Intel Itanium Processor Family  
HP-UX 11i v1.6 Intel Itanium Processor Family  
HP-UX 11i v2.0 Intel Itanium Processor Family  
P u blish in g Histor y  
Table 2 provides, for a particular document, the manufacturing part  
number, the respective operating systems, and the publication date.  
Ta ble 2  
P u blish in g Histor y Deta ils  
Docu m en t  
Ma n u fa ctu r in g  
Pa r t Nu m ber  
Op er a tin g  
Su p p or ted  
P u blica tion  
Da te  
June 1996  
October 1997  
December 2000  
April 2002  
Wh a t Is in Th is Docu m en t  
HP-UX Routing Services Administrators Guide is divided into chapters,  
each of which contain information about configuring the routing services.  
Table 3 describes the content in more detail.  
Ta ble 3  
Docu m en t Or ga n iza tion  
Ch a p ter  
Presents an overview of the Routing  
they support.  
Configuring mrouted  
Configuring gated  
Describes how to configure mroutedand  
various configuration commands in  
Describes how to configure gatedon RIP,  
OSPF, and RDP protocols. This chapter  
also describes how to specify tracing  
options, route preference, and some  
troubleshooting measures in gated.  
Rela ted Docu m en ta tion  
For more information about the Internet Services suite of products, see  
the following books:  
HP-UX Internet Services Administrators Guide  
Provides an overview of the Internet Services products and describes  
how to install and configure them on your HP-UX 11i v2 operating  
system. You can access this manual at the following URL:  
HP-UX Mailing Services Administrators Guide  
Provides information about the Mail User Agents (elm, mailx, mail)  
and Mail Transport Agent (Sendmail) used in the HP-UX 11i v2  
operating system. This manual also contains a description of  
configuring and administering Sendmail on your system. You can  
access this manual at the following URL:  
HP-UX IP Address and Client Management Administrators Guide  
Provides an overview of the IP address and client management  
implementations on the HP-UX 11i v2 operating system, where  
BIND, DHCPv6, and SLP deal with client management, and NTP  
deals with IP address management. You can access this manual at  
the following URL:  
HP-UX Remote Access Services Administrators Guide  
Provides information about the Remote Access Services available in  
the HP-UX 11i v2 operating system: r-commands, WU-FTP, and  
telnet. You can access this manual at the following URL:  
Request for Comments (RFC)  
Many sections of this manual refer to RFCs for more information  
about certain networking topics. These documents publicize Internet  
standards, new research concepts, and status memos about the  
Internet. You can access the full range of RFC documents and more  
information about the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) at the  
following URL:  
You can obtain additional information about mroutedand IP  
multicast routing from the following RFC (Request for Comment)  
— RFC 1075: Distance-Vector Multicast Routing Protocol  
— RFC 1112: Host Extensions for IP Multicasting  
Other Documents  
HP does not maintain and own the following information. As such,  
their content and availability are subject to change without notice.  
The Multicast Backbone (MBONE) is a virtual network implemented  
on top of the physical Internet. It supports routing of IP multicast  
packets. It originated as a cooperative, volunteer effort to support  
experimentation in audio and video teleconferencing over the  
Internet. You can find an HTML-formatted version of the MBONE  
FAQ at the URL:  
iknow Topics of Interest  
HP iknow Topics of Interest describe some networking concepts and  
tasks, as well as other topics. You can find these documents on the  
HP-UX networking communications home page at the following URL  
Typ ogr a p h ica l Con ven tion s  
This document uses the following typographic conventions:  
An HP-UX manpage. In this example, audit is the  
name and 5 is the section in the HP-UX Reference. On  
the Web and on the Instant Information CD, it may be  
a hot link to the manpage itself. From the HP-UX  
command line, you can enter man audit” or man 5  
auditto view the manpage. See man(1).  
Book Title  
The title of a book. On the Web and on the Instant  
Information CD, it may be a hot link to the book itself.  
Text displayed by the computer.  
A command name, qualified command phrase, daemon,  
file, or option name.  
The system prompt for the Bourne, Korn, and POSIX  
The superuser prompt.  
The name of a variable that you may replace in a  
command or function or information in a display that  
represents several possible values.  
[ ] { }  
In syntax definitions, square brackets indicate items  
that are optional and braces indicate items that are  
This symbol indicates that you hold down the first  
named key while pressing the key or mouse button that  
follows the plus.  
The defined use of an important word or phrase.  
HP En cou r a ges You r Feed ba ck  
HP welcomes any comments and suggestions you have on this manual.  
You can send your comments in the following ways:  
Using a feedback form located at the following URL:  
Please include the following information along with your comments:  
The full title of the manual and the part number. (The part number  
appears on the title page of printed and PDF versions of a manual.)  
The section numbers and page numbers of the information on which  
you are commenting.  
The version of HP-UX that you are using.  
Over view  
A r ou ter is a device that has multiple network interfaces and that  
transfers Internet Protocol (IP) packets from one network or subnet to  
another within an internetwork. In many IP-related documents, this  
device is also referred to as a gateway. The term router is used in this  
Chapter 1  
manual. The router stores all the routing information in the form of a  
routing table. Routing tables contain the routes to reach a particular  
network, and also identify the router to which the datagram packet can  
be passed for this purpose. The routing tables must contain the latest  
routing information. Routing protocols perform the task of updating the  
routing tables with the latest routing information.  
The primary function of a routing protocol is to exchange routing  
information with other routers. Routing daemons perform the task of  
exchanging routing information with other routers. The routing daemons  
supported on the HP-UX 11i v2 operating system are mroutedand gated  
troubleshooting information is provided in this manual.  
This chapter contains information about the following topics:  
The mrouted Routing Daemon” on page 17  
The gated Routing Daemon” on page 22  
Chapter 1  
The mrouted Routing Daemon  
Th e m r ou ted Rou tin g Da em on  
mrouted(pronounced M route D) is a routing daemon that forwards IP  
multicast datagrams, within an autonomous network, through routers  
that support IP multicast addressing. mroutedimplements the  
Distance-Vector Multicast Routing Protocol (DVMRP). The ultimate  
destination of multicast datagrams are host systems that are members of  
one or more multicast groups.  
Multicasting enables a client to establish one-to-many and  
many-to-many communication with other hosts and is used extensively  
in networking applications such as audio and video teleconferencing,  
where multiple hosts need to communicate with each other  
You cannot use System Administration Manager (SAM) to configure  
mroutedroutes multicast datagram packets only on certain network  
interfaces, such as EISA Ethernet (lan2) and EISA FDDI (from a  
provider other than HP), and the interface types vary depending on the  
system platform.  
When you install the HP-UX 11i v2 operating system, mroutedis  
automatically installed on your system.  
For more information on mrouted, type man 1m mroutedat the HP-UX  
Mu ltica stin g Over view  
This section describes the multicast routing protocol implemented in  
mrouted, and the multicast addresses and groups.  
DVMRP P r otocol  
mroutedimplements the Distance-Vector Multicast Routing Protocol  
(DVMRP). You can use DVMRP, an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP), to  
route multicast datagrams within an autonomous network. The primary  
purpose of DVMRP is to maintain the shortest return paths to the source  
Chapter 1  
The mrouted Routing Daemon  
of the multicast datagrams. You can achieve this by using topological  
knowledge of the network to implement a multicast forwarding  
algorithm called Truncated Reverse Path Broadcasting (TRPB).  
mroutedstructures routing information in the form of a p r u n ed  
broadcast delivery tree that contains routing information. mrouted  
structures routing information only to those subnets that have members  
of the destination multicast group. In other words, each router  
determines which of its virtual network interfaces are in the shortest  
path tree. In this way, DVMRP can determine if an IP multicast  
datagram needs to be forwarded. Without such a feature, the network  
bandwidth can easily be saturated with the forwarding of unnecessary  
Because DVMRP routes only multicast datagrams, you must handle  
routing of unicast or broadcast datagrams using a separate routing  
To support multicasting across subnets that do not support IP  
multicasting, DVMRP provides a mechanism called tu n n ellin g.  
Tunnelling forms a virtual point-to-point link between pairs of mrouted  
routers by encapsulating the multicast IP datagram within a standard  
IP unicast datagram using the IP-in-IP protocol (IP protocol number 4).  
This unicast datagram, containing the multicast datagram, is then  
routed through the intervening routers and subnets. When the unicast  
datagram reaches the tunnel destination, which is another mrouted  
router, the unicast datagram is stripped away and the mrouteddaemon  
forwards the multicast datagram to its destinations.  
Figure 1-1 shows a tunnel formed between a pair of mroutedrouters.  
Figu r e 1-1  
Tu n n el Ma d e w ith m r ou ted Rou ter s  
DVMRP Tunnel  
DVMRP Tunnel  
Chapter 1  
The mrouted Routing Daemon  
In this figure, the mroutedrouter R1 receives a multicast packet from  
node M. Because R1 is configured as one end of a tunnel, R1  
encapsulates the IP multicast packet in a standard unicast IP packet  
addressed to the mroutedrouter R2. The packet, now treated as a  
normal IP packet, is sent through the intervening nonmulticast network  
to R2. R2 receives the packet and removes the outer IP header, thereby  
restoring the original multicast packet. R2 then forwards the multicast  
packet through its network interface to node N.  
IP Mu ltica st Ad d r esses  
An IP Internet address can be either a 32-bit or a 128-bit address. Each  
host on the Internet is assigned a unique IP address. There are four  
classes of IP addresses: Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class D. Class D  
IP addresses are identified as IP multicast addresses. Class A, Class B,  
and Class C IP addresses are composed of two parts: a network ID  
(n etid ) and a host ID (h ostid ). Class D IP addresses are structured  
differently, as shown in Figure 1-2.  
Figu r e 1-2  
Cla ss D IP Mu ltica st Ad d r ess For m a t  
0 1 2 3 4  
1 1 1 0  
Multicast Group Address  
The first 4 bits (0 through 3) identify the address as a multicast address.  
Bits 4 through 31 identify the m u ltica st gr ou p . Multicast addresses are  
in the range through Addresses  
through are reserved, and address is permanently  
assigned to the a ll h osts gr ou p . The all hosts group is used to reach all  
the hosts on a local network that participate in IP multicasting. The  
addresses of other permanent multicast groups are published in RFC  
1060 (Assigned Numbers, March 1990).  
You can use IP multicast addresses only as destination addresses, and  
they must never appear in the source address field of a datagram.  
Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) error messages are not  
generated for multicast datagrams.  
Because IP Internet addressing is a software manifestation of the  
underlying physical network, you must map IP addresses to physical  
addresses that the hardware comprising the network understands.  
Chapter 1  
The mrouted Routing Daemon  
Normally, IP multicast addresses are mapped to 802.3 or Ethernet  
multicast addresses. The IP multicasting addressing scheme, similar to  
Ethernets scheme, uses the datagrams destination address to indicate  
multicast delivery.  
When an IP multicast address is mapped to an Ethernet multicast  
address, the low-order 23 bits of the IP multicast address are placed into  
the low-order 23 bits of the special Ethernet multicast address. The  
hexadecimal value of the special Ethernet multicast address is  
01-00-5E-00-00-00. The resultant Ethernet address, however, is not  
unique, because only 23 out of the 28 bits representing the multicast  
address are used.  
Mu ltica st Gr ou p s  
A m u ltica st gr ou p comprises hosts with an intention to join the  
multicast group by listening to the same IP multicast address. Group  
membership is dynamic, that is, a host may join or leave a group at any  
time. A host may be a member of one or more groups simultaneously.  
Additionally, a host is allowed to send multicast datagrams to a group  
without being a member of the group.  
You can assign multicast addresses to transient groups because the  
multicast address are often temporary. A typical transient group  
scenario is when users run an application that dynamically registers to  
specific multicast addresses, which are discarded later when all members  
of the group have left. Some multicast addresses may be assigned to  
permanent groups that always exist, even when their membership is  
Both hosts and mroutedrouters that participate in IP multicasting use  
the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) to communicate  
multicast group information among themselves. Hosts use IGMP to  
inform mroutedrouters that they are joining a group. mroutedrouters  
use IGMP to pass multicast routing information to other mrouted  
routers, and to check whether a host is still an active group member.  
The underlying TCP/IP stack must support ICMP to participate in IP  
multicasting. While IGMP defines a standard for communicating  
information, it does not define a standard for how the multicast  
information is propagated among multicast routers. Consequently,  
DVMRP enables multicast routers to efficiently communicate group  
membership information among themselves. DVMRP uses IGMP  
messages to carry routing and group membership information. DVMRP  
Chapter 1  
The mrouted Routing Daemon  
also defines IGMP message types that enable hosts to join and leave  
multicast groups, and that allow multicast routers to query one another  
for routing information.  
Chapter 1  
The gated Routing Daemon  
Th e ga ted Rou tin g Da em on  
gated(pronounced gate D) is a routing daemon that updates routing  
tables in internetwork routers. Developed at Cornell University, gated  
handles the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), External Gateway  
Protocol (EGP), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), Open Shortest Path  
First (OSPF) routing protocol, and the Router Discovery Protocol (RDP),  
or any combination of these protocols.  
Routing protocols are designed to find a path between network nodes. If  
multiple paths exist for a given protocol, the shorter paths are usually  
chosen. Each protocol has a cost or a metric that it applies to each path.  
In most cases, the lower the cost or metric for a given path, the more  
likely a protocol will choose it.  
You cannot use System Administration Manager (SAM) to configure  
Upon startup, gatedreads the kernel routing table on the local machine.  
gatedmaintains a complete routing table in the user space, and keeps  
the kernel routing table (in the kernel space) synchronized with this  
In large local networks, multiple paths often exist to other parts of the  
local network. You can use gatedto maintain nearly optimal routing to  
other parts of the local network, and to recover from link failures.  
Ad va n ta ges  
gatedoffers the following advantages:  
Dynamic routing eliminates the need to reset routes manually. When  
network failures occur, routes are automatically rerouted.  
Dynamic routing facilitates adding and administering nodes.  
Dynamic routing lowers the cost of operating complex Internet  
Chapter 1  
The gated Routing Daemon  
gatedtranslates among several protocols, passing information  
within or between IP routing domains or autonomous systems.  
Au ton om ou s system (AS) is used here to refer to a group of  
connected nodes and routers in the same administrative domain that  
exchange routing information via a common routing protocol.  
gatedprovides the system administrator flexibility in setting up and  
controlling network routing. For example, gatedcan listen to  
network traffic at specified routers, determine available routes, and  
update local routing tables accordingly.  
Decid in g Wh en to Use ga ted  
gatedis mostly used in large networks, or in small networks connected  
to larger wide area networks.  
You must run gatedon routers (gateways) to send the routing  
information to other routers. gatedsupports many routing protocols that  
allow routers to build and maintain dynamic routing tables. However,  
gatedalso supports RIP, which runs on end systems (systems with only  
one network interface) as well as on routers.  
gatedalso supports RDP as a client. RDP will replace rdpd.  
gatedis useful in topologies with multiple routers and multiple paths  
between parts of the network. gatedallows routers to exchange routing  
information and to change routing information dynamically to reflect  
topology changes and maintain optimal routing paths.  
Alternatively, you can configure IP routes manually with the route (1M)  
command. For end systems in subnets with only one router (gateway) to  
the Internet, manually configuring a default route is usually more  
efficient than running gated. For more details on manually  
manipulating the routing tables, type man 1M routeat the HP-UX  
When connected to wide area networks, you can use gatedto inject local  
routing information into the wide area networks routing table.  
Chapter 1  
The gated Routing Daemon  
Rou tin g P r otocols  
For routing purposes, networks and gateways are logically grouped into  
autonomous system (AS). Companies and organizations that want to  
connect to the Internet and form an AS must obtain a unique AS number  
from the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).  
An interior gateway protocol distributes routing information within the  
autonomous system. An exterior gateway protocol distributes general  
routing information about an autonomous system to other autonomous  
Dividing networks into autonomous systems keeps route changes inside  
the autonomous system from affecting other autonomous systems. When  
routes change within an autonomous system, the new information need  
not be propagated outside the autonomous system if it is irrelevant to  
gateways outside the autonomous system.  
gatedsupports the following interior gateway protocols, as defined in  
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a common routing protocol  
used within an autonomous system. A de facto industry standard, it  
is also used by routed, a service distributed by Berkeley. RIP is not  
intended for use in wide area network (WAN) applications. There are  
currently two versions of RIP implementations: Version 1, as defined  
in RFC 1058, and Version 2, as defined in RFC 1388. gatedsupports  
all Version 1 features and most of the features of Version 2. The  
following Version 2 features are not supported: RIP management  
information base (MIB) route tag, and route aggregation. gated 3.5.9  
supports authentication.  
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), similar to RIP, is a routing  
protocol that allows routing information to be distributed between  
routers in an autonomous system. Each router on the network  
transmits a packet that describes its local links to all other routers.  
The distributed database is then built from the collected  
descriptions. If a link fails, updated information floods the network,  
allowing all routers to recalculate their routing tables at the same  
time. OSPF is more suitable than RIP for routing in complex  
networks with many routers. gated3.0 supports most of the features  
of OSPF Version 2, as described in RFC 1247, except the IP type of  
service (TOS) routing feature. Equal cost multipath routes are  
limited to one hop per destination, because the HP-UX kernel  
supports only one gateway per route.  
Chapter 1  
The gated Routing Daemon  
HELLO is designed to work with routers called Fuzzballs. Most  
installations use RIP or OSPF instead of HELLO. The HELLO  
protocol is no longer supported on HP-UX. You can use RIP or OSPF  
instead, because they are internal routing protocols.  
Do not mix RIP and OSPF protocols within a single network, because the  
routing information may conflict.  
Table 1-1 compares the advantages and disadvantages of the RIP and  
OSPF protocols.  
Ta ble 1-1  
Com p a r ison of RIP a n d OSP F P r otocols  
Advantage: RIP is easy to  
Disadvantage: OSPF is  
complicated to configure and  
requires network design and  
Advantage: An end system (a  
system with only one network  
interface) can run RIP in passive  
mode to listen for routing  
Disadvantage: OSPF does not  
have a passive mode.  
Disadvantage: RIP may be slow  
Advantage: OSPF is quick to  
to adjust for link failures.  
adjust for link failures.  
Chapter 1  
The gated Routing Daemon  
Ta ble 1-1  
Com p a r ison of RIP a n d OSP F P r otocols (Con tin u ed )  
Disadvantage: RIP generates  
more protocol traffic than OSPF,  
because it propagates routing  
information by periodically  
transmitting the entire routing  
table to neighbor routers.  
Advantage: OSPF generates less  
protocol traffic than RIP,  
because (i) Each router  
transmits information only  
about its links instead of the  
whole routing table, and (ii)  
OSPF allows you to divide an  
autonomous system into areas,  
each with a designated router  
that exchanges inter-area  
routing information with other  
routers. Intra-area routing  
information is isolated to a  
single area.  
Disadvantage: RIP is not  
appropriate for large networks,  
because RIP packet size  
increases as the number of  
networks increases.  
Advantage: OSPF works well in  
large networks.  
gatedsupports the following exterior gateway protocols:  
The External Gateway Protocol (EGP) permits a node on the  
NSFNET ba ck bon e to exchange information with other backbone  
nodes about reaching a destination. You can use EGP to  
communicate routing information between autonomous systems. The  
EGP protocol will be obsoleted in a future release of HP-UX. Use  
BGP instead of the EGP protocol. BGP offers more flexibility and  
requires less bandwidth than EGP.  
The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is intended as a replacement for  
EGP. BGP uses path attributes to select routes. One of the attributes  
that BGP can pass is the sequence of autonomous systems that must  
be traversed to reach a destination. gatedsupports BGP Versions 2,  
3, and 4, as described in RFCs 1163 and 1267.  
gatedalso supports the Router Discovery Protocol (RDP), which is  
neither an interior nor an exterior gateway protocol. RDP is used to  
inform hosts of the existence of routers to which the hosts can send  
Chapter 1  
The gated Routing Daemon  
packets. It is used instead of, or in addition to, a statically configured  
default router. Router discovery consists of two parts: a server part that  
runs on routers, and a client part that runs on hosts.  
Chapter 1  
The gated Routing Daemon  
Chapter 1  
Con figu r in g m r ou ted  
This chapter describes how to configure mroutedand the various  
configuration commands in mrouted. It also provides information on  
starting and verifying the mroutedinstallation. A description of the  
mroutedrouting tables is also provided, along with the various multicast  
Chapter 2  
Configuring mrouted  
routing support tools. This chapter discusses the following topics:  
Starting mrouted” on page 36  
“Verifying mrouted Operation” on page 37  
Displaying mrouted Routing Tables” on page 38  
Multicast Routing Support Tools” on page 41  
Chapter 2  
Configuring mrouted  
How to Configure mrouted  
How to Con figu r e m r ou ted  
When the mrouteddaemon starts, it automatically reads the default  
configuration file /etc/mrouted.conf. You can override the default  
configuration file by specifying an alternate file while invoking mrouted.  
See Starting mrouted” on page 36 for more information. If you change  
the /etc/mrouted.conffile while mroutedis running, issue the  
following command to reread the configuration file:  
kill -HUP  
By default, mroutedautomatically configures itself to forward on all  
multicast-capable interfaces, excluding the loopback interface that has  
the IFF_MULTICASTflag set. Therefore, you do not need to explicitly  
configure mrouted, unless you need to configure tunnel links, change the  
default operating parameters, or disable multicast routing over a specific  
physical interface.  
Con figu r a tion Com m a n d s  
You can define the configuration commands in the /etc/mrouted.conf  
configuration file. mroutedsupports five configuration commands:  
phyint, tunnel, cache_lifetime, pruning, and name. One or more  
options are associated with each command.  
The syntax of each command is as follows:  
phyint local-addr [disable] [metric m] [threshold t] [rate_lim  
it b]  
[boundary (boundary-name|scoped-addr/mask-len)]  
[altnet network/mask-len]  
tunnel local-addr remote-addr [metric m] [threshold t] [rate_l  
imit b]  
[boundary (boundary-name|scoped-addr/mask-len)]  
cache_lifetime ct  
pruning off/on  
name boundary-name scoped-addr/mask-len  
Chapter 2  
Configuring mrouted  
How to Configure mrouted  
You can use the phyintcommand to disable multicast routing on the  
physical interface identified by the local IP address, local-addr(see  
Figure 2-1), or to associate a nondefault metricor thresholdwith the  
specified physical interface. Alternatively, you can replace the local IP  
address, local-addr, with the interface name, such as lan0. If phyintis  
attached to multiple IP subnets, use the altnetoption to describe each  
additional subnet (one altnetoption for each subnet).  
You can use the tunnelcommand to establish a tunnel link between the  
local IP address, local-addr, and the remote IP address, remote-addr  
(see Figure 2-1). You can also use this command to associate a nondefault  
metricor thresholdvalue with the tunnel. You can replace the local IP  
address, local-addr, with the interface name, such as lan0. Similarly,  
you can replace the remote IP address, remote-addr, by a host name,  
but only if the host name has a single IP address associated with it.  
Before you can use a tunnel, it must be set up in the mrouted  
configuration files of both the mroutedrouters participating in the  
tunnel. mrouted3.8 does not support the srcrtoption. (It provided  
backward compatibility with older versions of mroutedthat implemented  
IP multicast datagram encapsulation using IP source routing.)  
Chapter 2  
Configuring mrouted  
How to Configure mrouted  
A phyintcommand must precede a tunnelcommand. All the phyint  
and tunnelcommand options must be placed on a single line except for  
the boundaryand altnetoptions, which can begin on a separate line.  
Figu r e 2-1  
Mu ltica st Netw or k Exa m p le Con figu r a tion  
The metricis the cost, or overhead, associated with sending a datagram  
on the given interface or tunnel, and is used primarily to influence the  
choice of routes over which the datagram is forwarded; the larger the  
value, the higher the cost. You must keep metrics as small as possible,  
because mroutedcannot route along paths with metrics greater than 31.  
In general, use a metricvalue of 1 for all links unless you are  
specifically attempting to force traffic to take another route. In this case,  
the metric of the alternate path should be the sum of the metrics on the  
primary path + 1. The default metricvalue is 1.  
The thresholdis the minimum IP time-to-live (TTL) required for a  
multicast datagram to be forwarded to a given interface or tunnel. It  
controls the scope of multicast datagrams. If the TTL value in the  
datagram is less than the thresholdvalue, the datagram is dropped; if  
the TTL is greater than or equal to the thresholdvalue, the packet is  
forwarded. The default thresholdvalue is 1.  
Chapter 2  
Configuring mrouted  
How to Configure mrouted  
The TTL value of forwarded packets is only compared with the  
thresholdvalue; it is not decremented by the threshold. An  
application that initiates the IP multicast datagram sets the TTL, and  
typically represents the number of subnets, or hops, the datagram has to  
traverse to reach its destination. Every time a multicast datagram  
passes through a multicast router, the TTL value is decremented by 1.  
HP recommends that you use the default thresholdvalue unless you  
have a specific reason to set it otherwise.  
In general, all interfaces connected to a particular subnet or tunnel  
should use the same metricand thresholdvalues for that subnet or  
You can use the rate_limitoption to specify a certain bandwidth in  
Kbits/second which is allocated to multicast traffic. The default value is  
500Kbps on tunnels and 0 (unlimited) on physical interfaces.  
You can use the boundaryoption to configure an interface as an  
administrative boundary for the specified boundary-nameor  
scoped-addr(scoped address). You can specify more than one boundary  
option in the phyintand tunnelcommands. Packets belonging to the  
scoped address, which is an IP multicast group address, are not  
forwarded on this interface. mask-lenindicates the number of leading  
1s in the mask applied (by means of a bitwise logically AND operation) to  
the scoped address. For example, the statement boundary result in the mask being calculated by  
means of an AND operation with to isolate the first two octets,  
239.2, of the scoped address. Therefore, all IP multicast addresses  
beginning with 239.2 will not be forwarded on the specified interface.  
The primary use of the boundaryoption is to allow concurrent use of the  
same IP multicast addresses on downstream subnets, without  
interfering with multicast broadcasts using the same IP multicast  
addresses on subnets that are upstream from the mroutedgateway.  
The cache_lifetimevalue determines the amount of time that a cached  
multicast route remains in the kernel before timing out. This value is  
specified in seconds and must be between 300 (5 minutes) and 86400 (24  
hours). The default value is 300.  
You can use the pruning offcommand to explicitly configure mrouted  
as a nonpruning router. When pruning is off, IP multicast datagrams  
are forwarded to leaf subnets of the broadcast routing tree even when  
Chapter 2  
Configuring mrouted  
How to Configure mrouted  
those leaf subnets do not contain members of the multicast destination  
group. Use only nonpruning mode for testing. The default mode for  
pruning is on.  
You can use the namecommand to assign a name (boundary-name) to a  
boundary (a scoped-addr/mask-lenpair) to simplify the configuration  
mroutedterminates if it has less than two enabled virtual interfaces  
(VIFs), where a VIF is either a physical multicast-capable interface or a  
tunnel. It logs a warning message if all the VIFs are tunnels. HP  
recommends that you replace such configuration settings with more  
direct tunnels.  
Chapter 2  
Configuring mrouted  
Starting mrouted  
Sta r tin g m r ou ted  
You can start mroutedfrom the HP-UX prompt or from within a shell  
script by issuing the following command:  
/etc/mrouted [-p] [-c config_file] [-d debug_level]  
The -poption disables pruning by overriding the pruning onstatement  
within the /etc/mrouted.confconfiguration file. You must use this  
option for testing purposes only.  
The -c option overrides the default configuration file  
/etc/mrouted.conf. Use config_fileto specify an alternate  
configuration file.  
The -d debug_leveloption specifies the debug level. debug_levelcan  
be in the range 0 to 3. To know more about debug_levelvalues, type man  
1M mroutedat the HP-UX prompt.  
By default, mroutedalways writes warning and error messages to the  
system log daemon. You can retrieve these messages from the system log  
file, syslog.log, located in the /var/adm/syslogdirectory.  
For convenience in sending signals, mroutedwrites its pidto the  
/var/tmp/mrouted.pidfile upon startup.  
Chapter 2  
Configuring mrouted  
Verifying mrouted Operation  
Ver ifyin g m r ou ted Op er a tion  
You can use one or more of the following methods to verify mrouted  
Retrieve the vir tu a l in ter fa ce ta ble and the m u ltica st r ou tin g  
See Displaying mrouted Routing Tables” on page 38 for information  
on retrieving these tables.  
Retrieve the r ou tin g ca ch e ta ble to verify if the routing and cache  
information is appropriate for your configuration of mrouted. See  
Displaying mrouted Routing Tables” on page 38 for information on  
retrieving this table.  
Examine the syslog file /var/adm/syslog/syslog.logfor warning  
and error messages that indicate the status of mrouted. Upon  
startup, mroutedlogs a startup message in the syslog file that  
indicates the mroutedversion number, such as mrouted version  
Issue the following ps(process status) command to search for the  
string mrouted, using grep, to determine if the mroutedprogram is  
ps -ef | grep mrouted  
Chapter 2  
Configuring mrouted  
Displaying mrouted Routing Tables  
Disp la yin g m r ou ted Rou tin g Ta bles  
mroutedcontains three routing tables: the virtual interface table, the  
multicast routing table, and the multicast routing cache table.  
The virtual interface table displays the following topological information  
for each virtual interface:  
Physical and tunnel interfaces.  
The number of incoming and outgoing packets at each interface.  
The value of specific configuration parameters, such as metricand  
An example virtual interface table is as follows:  
Vif Local  
Metric Thresh Flags  
0 subnet:  
pkts in:  
pkts out:  
1 subnet:  
pkts in:  
pkts out:  
2 tunnel: 3  
Chapter 2  
Configuring mrouted  
Displaying mrouted Routing Tables  
peers: (2.2)  
boundaries: 239.0.1  
pkts in:  
The multicast routing table displays connectivity information for each  
subnet from which a multicast datagram can originate.  
The multicast routing cache table is a duplicate copy of the kernel  
forwarding cache table. It contains the status information for multicast  
destination group-origin subnet pairs.  
mroutedretrieves these tables by sending an appropriate signal to the  
mrouteddaemon. mroutedresponds to the following signals:  
Restarts mrouted. The configuration file is reread each  
time this signal is evoked.  
Terminates mroutedby sending messages to all  
neighboring routers.  
The same as INT.  
Defined as signal 16, dumps the internal routing tables  
(virtual interface table and multicast routing table) to  
Defined as signal 17, dumps the multicast routing  
cache tables to /usr/tmp/mrouted.cache.  
Dumps the internal routing tables (virtual interface  
table and multicast routing table) to stderr(only if  
mroutedwas invoked with a nonzero debug level).  
You can send signals to mroutedby issuing the HP-UX killcommand at  
the HP-UX prompt. For example:  
kill -USR1 pid  
where pidis the process ID of the mrouteddaemon.  
For more information on the routing tables, type man 1M mroutedat the  
HP-UX command prompt, and see the EXAMPLE section.  
Chapter 2  
Configuring mrouted  
Displaying mrouted Routing Tables  
For more information on signals, type man 1M mroutedat the HP-UX  
command prompt, and see the Signals section.  
Chapter 2  
Configuring mrouted  
Multicast Routing Support Tools  
Mu ltica st Rou tin g Su p p or t Tools  
This section describes various multicast routing support tools.  
Th e m r in fo Tool  
mrinfois a multicast routing tool that requests configuration  
information from mroutedand prints the information to the standard  
output. By default, mroutedprints configuration information for its local  
instance. You can override the default request (the local instance of  
mrouted) by specifying an alternate router IP address or system name.  
For more information, type man 1M mrinfoat the HP-UX command  
Th e m a p -m bon e Tool  
map-mboneis a multicast routing tool that requests multicast router  
connection information from mroutedand prints the connection map  
information to the standard output. By default (when no alternate router  
address is specified), the request message is sent to all the multicast  
routers on the local network. If map-mbonediscovers new neighbor  
routers from the replies, it sends an identical request to those routers.  
This process continues till the list of new neighbors is exhausted.  
For more information, type man 1M map-mboneat the HP-UX command  
Th e n etsta t Tool  
You can used netstatto display multicast-related information,  
including network statistics and multicast routing table contents.  
For more information, type man 1M netstatat the HP-UX command  
Chapter 2  
Configuring mrouted  
Multicast Routing Support Tools  
Chapter 2  
Con figu r in g ga ted  
gatedhandles multiple routing protocols. You can configure the gated  
daemon to perform all or any combination of the supported protocols.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
contains information about how to configure gatedon various routing  
Configuring RDP” on page 87  
Specifying Route Preference” on page 94  
Importing and Exporting Routes” on page 97  
Starting gated” on page 99  
Troubleshooting gated” on page 101  
For additional information on gated, type man 1M gated.confat the  
HP-UX prompt.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuration Overview  
Con figu r a tion Over view  
Upon startup, gatedreads the configuration file to decide how each  
protocol must be used to manage routing. By default, it uses the  
configuration file named/etc/gated.conf. Creating the configuration  
file is usually the responsibility of the system administrator.  
The configuration file can include up to eight sections (called cla sses) of  
configuration sta tem en ts. You can define the statements further with  
optional cla u ses. The eight classes of configuration statements are:  
Directives — Directives are statements that are immediately acted  
upon by the gatedparser.  
Trace — Trace statement controls gatedtracing options.  
Options — Options statements define global gatedoptions.  
Interface — Interface statements define router interface options.  
Definition — Definition statements identify the autonomous system  
that the router belongs to and m a r tia n addresses (addresses for  
which routing information must be ignored).  
Protocol — Protocol statements enable or disable gatedprotocols  
and set protocol options.  
Static — Static statements define static routes or default routers  
that are installed in the kernel routing table.  
Control — Control statements define routes that are imported to the  
router from other routing protocols, and paths that the router  
exports to other routing protocols.  
For a description of each configuration class and to determine which  
statements belong to which class, type man 4 gated.confat the HP-UX  
With Version 3.5.9 of gated, the two statements previously in the Trace  
class (tracefileand traceoptions) have been combined into a single  
traceoptionsstatement. Therefore, the tracefilestatement has been  
eliminated. Also, some of the global options have been removed, some  
new global options have been added, and options have been added for  
some of the protocols. For details about the new syntax, type man 4  
gated.confat the HP-UX prompt.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuration Overview  
If you do not want to use any of the gated3.5.9 features added at HP-UX  
10.30, and do not have any tracing configured in your gated3.0  
/etc/gated.confconfiguration file, you can continue to use your 3.0  
configuration file with gated3.5.9. If you do have tracing configured in  
your gated3.0 file, you must run the conv_configconversion tool on the  
file so that it follows the 3.5.9 syntax (see Converting the Configuration  
File from 3.0 to 3.5.9” on page 48). For more information about the 3.5.9  
syntax, type man 4 gated.confat the HP-UX prompt.  
To check your gated3.0 configuration file for compatibility with the 3.5.9  
syntax, issue the following command at the command prompt:  
gated -c [-f config_file_name]  
You need to specify -f config_file_nameonly if the configuration file  
you are checking is not the default file.  
If you are still running gated2.0, you must manually edit the  
/etc/gated.conffile so that it follows the 3.5.9 syntax. The conversion  
utility that was previously available to migrate from gated2.0 to 3.0 is  
no longer available, and you can only use the conv_configtool when  
migrating from 3.0 to 3.5.9.  
Con figu r in g ga ted  
To configure gated, complete the following steps:  
1. Issue the following command to create the gatedconfiguration file  
gdc newconf  
If the protocols are not explicitly specified, gatedassumes the  
rip yes;  
ospf no;  
2. Determine how you want to configure each routing protocol, then add  
the appropriate statements for each protocol to the  
/etc/gated.confconfiguration file.  
See the section Configuring the OSPF Protocol” on page 60 for  
OSPF routing configuration statements. RIP configuration is  
described in Configuring the RIP Protocol” on page 50. For a more  
detailed description of the configuration statements, type man 4  
gated.confat the HP-UX prompt.  
Chapter 3  
Configuration Overview  
3. Add statements for any additional configuration information. See  
Customizing Routes” on page 90, Specifying Tracing Options” on  
page 92, and Specifying Route Preference” on page 94 for other  
configuration options.  
In particular, you may want to prevent gatedfrom deleting  
interfaces from the routing table when gateddoes not receive  
routing protocol information from that interface. To do this, insert  
passive interface definitions in the interfacesstatements. For  
interfaces {  
interface all passive ;  
} ;  
<protocol statements follow>  
4. If you normally use default routes, you must configure a static  
default route in the gatedconfiguration file. If the default route is a  
gateway node, add the following entry to /etc/gated.conf(enter  
the gateway nodes IP address for gateway_IP_Address):  
static {  
default gateway gateway_IP_Address retain ;  
} ;  
The default route may be a local interface, such as in topologies that  
include a proxy ARP server on the local network. If the default route  
is a local interface, add the following entry to /etc/gated.conf:  
static {  
default interface local_IP_Address retain ;  
} ;  
the local address of the interface attached to the same network as the  
proxy ARP server.  
See Customizing Routes” on page 90 and the section covering  
Common Problems” on page 104 in the section Troubleshooting  
gated” on page 101 for more information.  
5. To check for syntax errors in the configuration file, run gatedwith  
the -cor -Coption (gatedexits after parsing the configuration file).  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuration Overview  
You can also use the command gdc checkconfto parse the  
/etc/gated.conffile for syntax errors. gdcissues a message to  
indicate the parsing errors. If there are any errors, the error output  
is saved to a file for further inspection. For more details, type man 1M  
gdcat the HP-UX prompt.  
6. Set the environment variable GATEDto 1in the file  
/etc/rc.config.d/netconfto invoke gatedautomatically when  
the system is started.  
7. To start gated, reboot your system or run the following gated  
startup script:  
/sbin/init.d/gated start  
You can also start gatedby executing the following command:  
gdc start  
The following message appears:  
gated started, pid 25579  
25579is the process ID (pid) of the gated process.  
Examples of gatedconfiguration files are included in the sections  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol” on page 60 and Configuring the RIP  
Protocol” on page 50. Additionally, they are also included in the  
HP recommends that you specify the IP address in dot notation (for  
example, a.b.c.d) for a configuration option such as a router, host, or  
interface. Host names with multiple IP addresses associated with them  
produce errors.  
Con ver tin g th e Con figu r a tion File fr om 3.0 to 3.5.9  
To convert a gated3.0 configuration file to the gated3.5.9 syntax,  
complete the following steps:  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuration Overview  
1. Retain a copy of the gated3.0 configuration file, because you cannot  
specify the same file for input and output while running the  
conv_configconversion tool. For example, if you are using  
/etc/gated.conffor 3.0, type the following command:  
cp /etc/gated.conf /etc/gated.conf.30  
2. Issue the following command at the HP-UX prompt:  
conv_config < input_config_file_name > output_config_file  
input_config_file_nameis the name of the gated3.0 file you want  
to convert. You must specify this name, because the tool does not  
assume that you are converting the default file, /etc/gated.conf.  
output_config_fileis the name of the new configuration file for  
gated3.5.9. You must specify this name, because the tool does not  
assume that you are coverting the default file, /etc/gated.conf.  
For example, to convert the gated 3.0configuration file to gated  
3.5.9, issue the following command:  
conv_config < /etc/gated.conf.30 > /etc/gated.conf  
After running the conversion tool, you can check the new configuration  
file for compatibility using the gated -ccommand. See the Note in the  
section Configuration Overview” on page 45 for more information.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the RIP Protocol  
Con figu r in g th e RIP P r otocol  
RIP uses h op cou n t to determine the shortest path to a destination.  
Hopcount is the number of routers a packet must pass through to reach  
its destination. If a path is directly connected, it has the lowest hopcount  
of 1. If the path passes through a single router, the hopcount increases to  
2. Hopcount can increase to a maximum value of 16, which is RIPs  
in fin ity m etr ic, an indication that a network or node cannot be reached.  
If gatedencounters an unreachable node, it goes into Hold d ow n Mode.  
Holddown Mode stops a node from propagating routing information until  
the other nodes that it is communicating with stabilize their routing  
Hosts with only one LAN interface may use the RIP protocol with gated  
to passively listen to routing information when multiple routers on the  
LAN exist. If only one router on the LAN exists (leaving only one path off  
the local LAN), you can configure a static route to that router in the  
/etc/rc.config.d/netfile, or issue the routecommand manually,  
instead of running gated.  
In certain cases, you may not want the traffic to follow a certain path,  
because it incurs an unacceptable cost or security risk. In these cases,  
gatedallows you to assign a metric to each interface. This allows you to  
select or bypass a path, irrespective of its length or speed.  
RIP P r otocol Sta tem en t  
The syntax of the RIP protocol statement is as follows:  
rip yes|no | on|off [ {  
broadcast|nobroadcast ;  
nocheckzero ;  
preference preference ;  
defaultmetric metric ;  
query authentication [none|[[simple|md5] password]] ;  
interface interface_list  
[noripin]|[ripin] [noripout]|[ripout]  
[metricin metric] [metricout metric]  
[version 1]|[version 2 [multicast|broadcast]]  
[[secondary] authentication [none|[simple|md5] password]  
] ;  
[interface ...]  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the RIP Protocol  
trustedgateways router_list ;  
sourcegateways router_list ;  
traceoptions traceoptions ;  
} ] ;  
Curly braces ({}) are part of the syntax for the RIP protocol statement.  
Square brackets ([]) are not part of the syntax; they are used here to  
indicate optional parameters.  
yes(or on) informs gatedto enable the RIP protocol at this node and to  
process RIP packets coming in from other nodes. no(or off) informs  
gatedto disable the RIP protocol at this node. If gatedfinds fewer than  
two network interfaces, the node listens to RIP information. If gated  
finds two or more network interfaces, the node not only listens but also  
broadcasts or multicasts the RIP information. If you do not specify a RIP  
statement in your configuration file, rip onis assumed.  
The following describes the various options in the RIP statement:  
broadcastspecifies that RIP packets are always generated. If the  
RIP protocol is enabled and more than one interface is specified,  
broadcastis assumed. Specifying broadcastwith only one interface  
is useful only when propagating static routes or routes learned from  
other protocols.  
nobroadcastspecifies that RIP packets are sent only to routers  
listed in the sourcegatewaysclause. If the RIP protocol is enabled,  
but only one interface is specified, nobroadcastis assumed.  
nocheckzerospecifies that the RIP protocol must not check whether  
the reserved fields in the RIP packets are zero. In RIP Version 1 (as  
described in RFC 1058), certain reserved fields must be zero;  
however, this may vary in RIP implementations.  
preferencedetermines the order of routes from other protocols to  
the same destination in the routing table. gatedallows one route to a  
destination per protocol for each autonomous system. In case of  
multiple routes, the route used is determined by the value of  
Defa u lt: 100  
Ra n ge: 0 (most preferred) – 255 (least preferred)  
defaultmetricis the default metric used when propagating routes  
learned from other protocols.  
Defa u lt: 16  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the RIP Protocol  
Ra n ge: 1 – 16  
query authentication [none|[[simple|md5] password]]  
specifies the authentication, if any, that is required for query packets  
that do not originate from routers. If authentication consisting of  
only a password is required, specify simple passwordor password.  
If the required authentication consists of a key that was created with  
the MD5 algorithm, specify md5. Default: none.  
interfaceis specified as one of the following (in the order of  
precedence): an IP address (for example,, a domain or  
interface name (for example, lan0or lan1), a wildcard name (for  
example, lan*), or all(which refers to all interfaces). You can  
specify multiple interfacestatements with different clauses. If you  
specify a clause more than once, the instance with the most specific  
interface reference is used.  
noripinspecifies that gateddoes not process any RIP information  
received through the specified interface. Default: ripin.  
noripoutspecifies that gateddoes not send any RIP information  
through the specified interface. Default: ripout.  
metricinspecifies the incoming metric for all routes propagated to  
this node through the specified interface.  
Defa u lt: kernel interface metric plus 1 (the default RIP  
metricoutspecifies the outgoing metric for all routes propagated by  
this node through the specified interface.  
Defa u lt: 0  
version 1specifies that RIP Version 1 packets (as defined in RFC  
1058) are sent; RIP Version 2 packets (defined in RFC 1388) are sent  
only in response to a Version 2 poll packet. version 2specifies that  
RIP Version 2 packets are sent to the RIP multicast address or to the  
broadcast addresses. You can specify how the packets are sent with  
the multicastor broadcastclauses. version 2 multicastimplies  
that you want to send Version 2 packets (containing subnet mask  
information). version 2 broadcastimplies that you want to send  
Version 2 packets. If you do not specify a version, version 1is  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the RIP Protocol  
[secondary] authentication [none|[simple|md5] password]  
specifies the type of authentication for RIP Version 2 packets (it is  
ignored for Version 1 packets). secondaryindicates that the  
secondary authentication is defined; otherwise, the primary  
authentication is defined. If authentication consisting of only a  
password is required, specify simple passwordor password(where  
passwordis a quoted string of 0 – 16 characters). If the required  
authentication consists of a key that was created with the MD5  
algorithm, specify md5. Default: none. (If you do not specify the  
authenticationclause, the default is primary authentication of  
noneand no secondary authentication.  
trustedgatewaysprovides a list of routers that provide valid RIP  
routing information; routing packets from other routers are ignored.  
sourcegatewaysspecifies routers to which you can send RIP routing  
packets. If you specify the nobroadcastclause, routing updates are  
sent only to routers listed in the sourcegatewaysclause.  
traceoptionsenables tracing for the RIP protocol. See Specifying  
Tracing Options” on page 92.  
Con figu r a tion Op tion s  
The -eand -aconfiguration options help increase the RIP convergent  
time on the HP-UX operating system. You can set these command-line  
options in the /etc/gated.conffile under the RIP protocol statement.  
The -eoption specifies route_expiry_time, which is the expiration time  
used by RIP to determine route aging. The minimum value is 1 second,  
and the maximum value is 180 seconds. The default value is 180 seconds.  
Using the -aoption, you can specify the route_update_timeoption.  
route_update_timeis the time in seconds required by the RIP protocol  
to send RIP updates to other nodes on the network. The minimum value  
is 1 second, and the maximum value is 30 seconds. The default value is  
30 seconds.  
Alternatively, you can manually change the value in the  
/etc/gated.conffile. You can specify the -eand -aoptions either on  
the command line or in the configuration file. Configuration file options  
override the command-line options.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the RIP Protocol  
Sim p le RIP Con figu r a tion  
A simple RIP configuration consists of RIP routers and end nodes that  
listen to information exchanged by the RIP routers, as shown in  
Figure 3-1.  
Figure 3-1 and the accompanying text describe configuration of a single  
end system (node A) and a RIP router (node B). The configuration is the  
same for multiple end systems and RIP routers (only node Bs  
configuration is shown here). This example shows only the syntax needed  
for a simple configuration. A detailed description of the entire RIP  
protocol statement is given after this example.  
Figu r e 3-1  
Exa m p le of Sim p le RIP Con figu r a tion  
. . .  
End Systems  
. . .  
A: En d System on a LAN w ith RIP Rou ter s  
Set up the configuration file /etc/gated.confin the end system A as  
rip yes {  
interface version 2 multicast;  
static {  
default interface preference 255 ;  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the RIP Protocol  
With one interface, A can listen to RIP traffic on the network but does  
not forward routing information. Routers must be multicasting RIP  
packets on this network for A to learn about them and update its routing  
table. The first syntax statement enables RIP on node A’s interface  
( to multicast routing information. The second statement  
specifies a static local default route to prevent gatedfrom deleting it.  
B: RIP Rou ter  
Set up /etc/gated.confas follows:  
rip yes {  
interface all version 2 multicast ;  
This enables the RIP protocol to multicast routing information on all  
Exa m p le of a La r ge RIP Con figu r a tion  
Figure 3-2 and the accompanying text describe how to configure gated  
for the RIP protocol in each node within a networked system.  
B, D, and E pass routing information among themselves and update their  
routes accordingly. C listens to the RIP conversation between B, D, and  
E, and updates its routes accordingly. If both the routers D and E can  
provide a path to a network, but the path through router D is shorter,  
nodes B, C, and E use router D when routing packets to that network. If  
D goes down, E becomes the new router to that network for the nodes B,  
C, and E.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the RIP Protocol  
Figu r e 3-2  
Exa m p le of La r ge RIP Netw or k  
D: Major Router  
A: Cluster Node  
Isolated Node  
(network number)  
B: Root Server  
(network number)  
C: Single Node  
E: Major Router  
F: Single Node  
(network number)  
A: Clu ster Nod e (or Isola ted Nod e)  
You need not run gatedat this node, because it is on a LAN with only  
one router. Set a static default route to the cluster server (B) in the  
/etc/rc.config.d/netconffile as follows:  
ROUTE_DESTINATION[0]= "default"  
ROUTE_COUNT[0]= "1"  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the RIP Protocol  
B: Clu ster (or Root) Ser ver Nod e  
Run gatedto get routing information about the network. Set  
up /etc/gated.confas follows:  
interfaces {  
interface passive ;  
rip yes {  
interface noripout ;  
interface version 2 multicast;  
static {  
default gateway preference 255 ;  
In the previous example, setting ripto yesis similar to setting ripto  
broadcast. Both the arguments inform the node to send out RIP  
packets, because the node has at least two interfaces. To reduce traffic on  
the LAN, use the noripoutoption on this interface. This  
prevents RIP from sending packets on the network.  
To isolate the LAN, use the following:  
export proto rip interface {  
proto direct { restrict ;  
To further isolate the LAN from the LAN, do not specify any  
static routes that specify that you can reach the LAN through B. See  
Importing and Exporting Routes” on page 97 for more information.  
Always specify the passiveoption with the interfaces IP address. It  
informs gatedto maintain the routes even if no other nodes on the network are using RIP. Without this clause, gatedchanges the  
preference of the route to the interface if it does not receive routing  
information for that interface. The static default route adds the specified  
default to the kernel routing table. Setting the preferenceto 255  
replaces this route whenever another default route is learned from one of  
the protocols.  
C: En d System on a LAN w ith RIP Rou ter s  
Set up /etc/gated.confas follows:  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the RIP Protocol  
rip yes {  
interface version 2 multicast;  
static {  
default interface preference 255 ;  
With one interface, C can listen to RIP traffic on the network but does  
not forward routing information. Routers must be multicasting RIP  
packets on this network for C to learn about them and to update its  
routing table.  
D: Ma jor Rou ter  
Set up /etc/gated.confas follows:  
rip yes {  
interface all version 2 multicast ;  
This runs RIP on all attached networks.  
E: Ma jor Rou ter  
Set up the configuration file /etc/gated.confas follows:  
rip yes {  
interface all version 2 multicast;  
Con tr ollin g RIP Tr a ffic  
This section describes configuration options for RIP routing information  
sent by gatedfrom the node. Use these options to hide all or part of your  
network from other networks or to limit network traffic.  
The RIP protocol definition in the /etc/gated.conffile contains the  
following two options for limiting RIP routing information exported by  
The noripoutclause in the interface definition informs gatednot to  
send any RIP information through the listed interfaces.  
The sourcegatewaysclause informs gatedto send RIP information  
directly to the specified routers.  
See RIP Protocol Statement” on page 50 for more information about  
these clauses.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the RIP Protocol  
The options for limiting RIP routing information imported by gatedin  
the RIP protocol definition in the /etc/gated.conffile are as follows:  
The noripinclause in the interface definition informs gatednot to  
process RIP information received through the listed interfaces.  
The trustedgatewaysclause informs gatedto listen to RIP  
See RIP Protocol Statement” on page 50 for more information about  
these clauses.  
You can also use the gatedimportand exportstatements to restrict  
and control the route information propagated from one routing protocol  
to another. See Importing and Exporting Routes” on page 97 for more  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
Con figu r in g th e OSP F P r otocol  
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a link-state routing protocol that  
distributes routing information between routers in a single autonomous  
system (AS). Each OSPF router transmits a packet with a description of  
its local links to all other OSPF routers. The distributed database is built  
from the collected descriptions. Using the database information, each  
router constructs its own routing table of shortest paths from itself to  
each destination in the AS.  
OSPF allows you to organize routers, networks, and subnetworks within  
an AS into subsets called areas. An area is a grouping of logically  
contiguous networks and hosts. Instead of maintaining a topological  
database of the entire AS, routers in an area maintain the topology for  
only the area in which they reside. Therefore, all routers belonging to an  
area must be consistent in their configuration of the area. The topology of  
an area is hidden from systems that are not part of the area. The  
creation of separate areas can help minimize overall routing traffic in the  
AS. Figure 3-3 shows an example of three separate areas defined for an  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
Figu r e 3-3  
Ar ea s Defin ed in a n Au ton om ou s System  
Area 1  
Other AS  
Area 2  
Area 3  
In ter n a l r ou ter s have all their directly connected networks in the same  
area. In Figure 3-3, routers A, B, and H are internal routers.  
Routers that are connected to multiple areas are called a r ea bor d er  
r ou ter s. In Figure 3-3, routers F and G are area border routers.  
Routers that connect one AS to another are called AS bou n d a r y  
r ou ter s. In Figure 3-3, router D is an AS boundary router.  
Neigh bor r ou ter s are routers that interface to a common network.  
OSPF uses its own Hello subprotocol to determine which routers are  
neighbors. In Figure 3-3, routers A, B, and C are a set of neighbor routers  
that interface to network 1, while routers A and F are another set of  
neighbor routers that interface to network 2.  
The Hello subprotocol used with OSPF is not the same as the gated  
HELLO protocol. The Hello subprotocol is still supported.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
Mu lti-a ccess n etw or k s (networks that can be accessed through two or  
more neighbor routers) must have one of the routers identified as a  
designated router.  
Design a ted r ou ter s initiate OSPF protocol functions on behalf of the  
network. In Figure 3-3, you can access network 1 through the neighbor  
routers A, B, or C; one of these routers is elected to become the  
designated router for network 1.  
The set of routers that exchange OSPF protocol packets between areas in  
an autonomous system is called the ba ck bon e. In Figure 3-3, routers C,  
D, E, F, G, and I form an AS backbone that allows protocol packets to  
travel between the three areas.  
OSPF routers exchange various types of lin k sta te a d ver tisem en ts to  
build their topological databases. Most link state advertisements are  
flooded (sent to every router) throughout the attached area. An exception  
is the link state advertisement sent out by AS boundary routers that  
describe routes to destinations outside the AS; these advertisements are  
flooded throughout the AS. Table 3-1 shows the various types of link  
state advertisements used by the OSPF protocol.  
Ta ble 3-1  
Typ es of Lin k Sta te Ad ver tisem en ts  
Typ e  
Con ten t  
Or igin a ted  
F lood ed  
Th r ou gh ou t  
Router link Routers links to  
Internal and  
area border  
List of routers  
attached to network  
Routes to  
destinations outside  
area but within AS  
Area border  
Routes to  
destinations outside  
AS boundary  
AS bou n d a r y r ou ter s exchange routing information with routers in  
other autonomous systems. An AS boundary router can be an area  
border router or an internal router. It can also be a backbone router, but  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
it is not required that an AS boundary router be a backbone router. An  
AS boundary router learns about routes other than its attached AS  
through exchanges with other routing protocols or through configuration  
information. Each AS boundary router calculates paths to destinations  
outside of its attached AS. It then advertises these paths to all routers in  
its AS.  
Following are the two levels of routing in an AS:  
In tr a -a r ea r ou tin g, where the source and destination of a packet  
both reside in the same area. Routing is handled by internal routers.  
In ter -a r ea r ou tin g, where the source and destination of a packet  
reside in different areas. Packets travel through an intra-area route  
from the source to an area border router, then travel an inter-area  
route on a backbone path between areas. Finally, they travel another  
intra-area route to the destination.  
P la n n in g You r OSP F Con figu r a tion  
Following is a suggested sequence of steps in planning the OSPF routing  
in your autonomous system:  
1. If your AS exchanges routing information with other autonomous  
systems, you need to obtain a unique AS number from the Internet  
Assigned Numbers Authority.  
2. Partition the AS into areas. You can partition any interconnected  
networks into lists of address ranges, with each address range  
represented as an address-mask pair. The area border routers  
summarize the area content for each address range and distribute  
the summaries to the backbone. See The networks Statement” on  
page 66 for more information on specifying address ranges.  
3. Identify the internal routers for each area. An internal router  
configuration contains only one area definition.  
interface. The configuration for each area border router contains  
multiple area definitions.  
5. For each router, determine the interface type for each area. Router  
interfaces can be multicast, non-broadcast multi-access (NBMA), or  
point-to-point. See The interface Statement” on page 67 for more  
information on router interfaces.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
networks, several routers can be designated router candidates.  
Designated routers are specified in the interface definitions (see The  
interface Statement” on page 67).  
7. You must decide if you want to assign a cost to each interface. See  
Cost” on page 79 for more information about costs.  
8. Designate stub areas. AS external link advertisements are  
propagated to every router in every area in an AS, except for routers  
in the configured stub areas. See Stub Areas” on page 74 for more  
9. Identify backbone routers. The router configuration contains a  
Defining Backbones” on page 76 for more information  
10. Determine if routing packets are authenticated for each area. See  
Authentication” on page 77 for more information  
11. Identify AS boundary routers. See AS External Routes (AS  
Boundary Routers Only)” on page 80 for more information.  
En a blin g OSP F  
The default router identifier used by OSPF is the address of the first  
interface on the router encountered by gated. To set the router identifier  
to a specific address, specify the routeridinterface statement in the  
Definition class of the /etc/gated.conffile.  
You must enable the OSPF protocol only for routers. When the OSPF  
protocol is enabled for a system, the system is treated as a router, and  
not a host, by other hosts.  
You can enable the OSPF protocol using the ospfstatement in the  
Protocol class of the /etc/gated.conffile. The clause yes(or on)  
informs gatedto enable the OSPF protocol at this node and to process all  
OSPF packets arriving from other nodes. If you do not specify an OSPF  
line in your configuration file, ospf nois assumed. The clause no(or  
off) informs gatedto disable the OSPF protocol on this node.  
The following is an example to enable OSPF:  
ospf yes { ... }  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
The following sections explain other statements defined for the OSPF  
protocol configuration.  
Defin in g Ar ea s  
Each OSPF router is associated with one or more areas. The area  
statement identifies an OSPF area. The value is in the form of a dotted  
quad, or a number between 1 and 4294967295. To define an area, you  
must specify the following:  
The addresses of the networks that make up the area.  
The router interfaces used to communicate with the area.  
The configuration of an area border router contains multiple area  
definitions; a different router interface is defined for each area.  
Figure 3-4 shows an example of an area border router that is connected  
to area through interface and to area through  
Figu r e 3-4  
Ar ea Bor d er Rou ter Con figu r a tion Exa m p le  
to Network A  
to Network B  
The following is an example of the area definitions in the routers  
ospf yes {  
area {  
interface {  
} ;  
} ;  
area {  
interface {  
} ;  
} ;  
} ;  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
You can define various characteristics for an area and interfaces. The  
following sections describe the configuration statements that you can use  
in defining an area.  
Th e n etw or k s Sta tem en t  
The networksstatement defines the address ranges that forms an OSPF  
area. This definition applies only to area border routers, where multiple  
areas are specified, and is required only if you need to compress a  
number of subnets using a network mask.  
A network address followed by a hexadecimal bit mask specifies an IP  
address range in the networkstatement. For example, the following  
address range begins with the network address and includes  
the first 15 addresses in that network ( through mask 0xfffffff0  
You can specify many separate networks in an address range. Area  
border routers advertise a single route for each address range.  
Figure 3-5 shows an example of a router that is connected to area  
through the interface The attached network consists of  
addresses through The other network in the area  
consists of addresses through  
Figu r e 3-5  
Netw or k Con figu r a tion Exa m p le  
Router A  
. . .  
Router B  
. . .  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
The following is an example of the network definition in the Router A’s  
ospf yes  
networks { mask 0xfffffff0 ; mask 0xfffffff0 ;  
} ;  
interface {  
} ;  
} ;  
Th e in ter fa ce Sta tem en t  
The interfacestatement in the OSPF protocol definition specifies the  
interface to use while communicating with the specified networks. You  
can specify the interface with an address (for example,, a  
domain or interface name (for example, lan0or lan1), a wild card name  
(for example, lan*), or all(the order of precedence is address, name,  
using different clauses. If you specify a clause more than once, the  
instance with the most specific interface reference is used.  
You can specify the costclause optionally to define a cost of sending a  
packet on the interface. This cost is advertised as the link cost for this  
interface. See Cost” on page 79 for more information on setting interface  
You can also enableor disablethe interface definition. If you do not  
explicitly specify disable, an interface definition is enabled by default.  
OSPF supports the following types of network interfaces:  
A multicast (or broadcast) network is a network that supports two or  
more attached routers and allows a single message to be addressed  
to a set of network nodes at the same time. An example of a multicast  
network is an Ethernet LAN.  
A non-broadcast multi-access (NBMA) network is a network that  
supports multiple attached routers, but does not support  
broadcasting of messages. An example of an NBMA network is an  
X.25 PDN.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
A point-to-point network is a network that joins a single pair of  
routers. An example of a point-to-point network is a 56-KB serial  
The following sections describe each type of interface.  
Mu ltica st In ter fa ces On multicast networks, an OSPF router  
dynamically detects its neighbor routers through the OSPF Hello  
message. The following statements are defined for a multicast interface:  
retransmitintervalis the number of seconds between  
retransmission of link states, database descriptions, and link state  
request packets. This value must exceed the expected round-trip  
delay between any two routers in the network. A sample value for a  
LAN is 5 seconds.  
Defa u lt: None (you must specify a value)  
Ra n ge: Integer between 0 – 65535  
transitdelayis the number of seconds to transmit a Link State  
Update Packet over this interface. This value must take into account  
the transmission and propagation delays for the interface. It must be  
greater than 0. A sample value for a LAN is 1 second.  
Defa u lt: None (you must specify a value)  
Ra n ge: Integer between 1 – 65535  
priorityspecifies the priority of the router to be the designated  
router. You must configure this value only for interfaces to  
multi-access networks. This value specifies the priority of the router  
to be the designated router. When two routers attached to a network  
attempt to be the designated router, the one with the higher router  
priority value takes precedence.  
Defa u lt: None (you must specify a value for multi-access networks)  
Ra n ge: 8-bit unsigned integer between 0 – 255. 0 means that the  
router is ineligible to become a designated router on the attached  
hellointervalspecifies the time interval (in seconds) for the  
transmission of OSPF Hello packets. Smaller intervals ensure that  
changes in network topology are detected faster. A sample value for  
an X.25 network is 30 seconds. A sample value for a LAN is 10  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
Defa u lt: None (you must specify a value)  
Ra n ge: Integer between 0 – 255  
The hellointervalvalue must be the same for all OSPF routers.  
routerdeadintervalspecifies the time interval (in seconds) for  
which the Hello packets are not received from a router before it is  
considered down or inactive by its neighbors. This value must be a  
multiple of the hellointervalvalue.  
Defa u lt: None (you must specify a value)  
Ra n ge: 0 – 65535  
The routerdeadintervalvalue must be the same for all OSPF  
You can use the password authkeyto validate the protocol packets  
received on the router interface. The value can be 1 to 8 decimal  
digits separated by periods, a 1-byte to 8-byte hexadecimal string  
preceded by 0x, or a string of 1 to 8 characters in double quotes.  
Defa u lt: None  
Ra n ge: Up to 8 bytes  
To set an authkeyvalue, you must set the authtypeclause to 1or  
simplefor the area. See Authentication” on page 77 for more  
information on using OSPF authentication.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
Figure 3-6 shows an example of a router that is connected to a multicast  
network through the interface  
Figu r e 3-6  
Mu ltica st Rou ter In ter fa ce Exa m p le  
The following is an example of the multicast interface definition in the  
routers /etc/gated.conffile:  
interface cost 5 {  
enable ;  
priority 15 ;  
hellointerval 5 ;  
routerdeadinterval 20 ;  
retransmitinterval 10 ;  
} ;  
Non -Br oa d ca st Mu lti-Access (NBMA) In ter fa ce On NBMA  
networks, you must supply the configuration information, including the  
routers that are attached to the network, so that the OSPFs Hello  
protocol communicates with neighbor routers. An NBMA interface  
definition applies to both X.25 network interfaces and systems that do  
not support IP multicasting. You can define an NBMA interface using the  
multicast interfacestatements, with the following additions:  
You must specify the clause nonbroadcastin the interface  
pollintervalspecifies a rate at which hellos are sent when a  
neighboring router becomes inactive (a router is considered inactive  
when hellos are not received from the router for the amount of time  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
specified by the routerdeadintervaldefinition). The value of  
pollintervalmust be larger than the value of hellointerval. A  
sample value for an X.25 network is 2 minutes.  
Defa u lt: None (you must specify a value)  
Ra n ge: 0 – 255  
routersspecify the list of routers attached to the non-broadcast  
network. Routers are defined by their IP interface addresses. You  
must define the routers that are eligible to be designated routers as  
Figure 3-7 shows an example of a router (A) that is connected to an  
NBMA network through the interface Two other routers are  
also attached to the network: router B is connected through the interface and C is connected through the interface B and C  
are eligible to be designated routers.  
Figu r e 3-7  
Non -Br oa d ca st Rou ter In ter fa ce Exa m p le  
The following is an example of the non-broadcast interface definition in  
router A’s /etc/gated.conffile:  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
interface nonbroadcast cost 5 {  
routers { eligible ; eligible ;  
} ;  
priority 15 ;  
hellointerval 5 ;  
routerdeadinterval 20 ;  
retransmitinterval 10 ;  
pollinterval 20 ;  
} ;  
Poin t-to-Poin t In ter fa ces On point-to-point networks, an OSPF  
router dynamically detects its neighbor router by sending OSPF Hello  
packets. The following statements are defined for a point-to-point  
retransmitintervalis the time interval (in seconds) between the  
retransmission of link states, database descriptions, and link state  
request packets. This value must exceed the expected round-trip  
delay between any two routers in the network. A sample value for a  
LAN is 5 seconds.  
Defa u lt: None (you must specify a value)  
Ra n ge: 0 – 65535  
hellointervalspecifies the time interval (in seconds) between  
transmission of OSPF Hello packets. Smaller intervals ensure that  
changes in network topology are detected faster. A sample value for  
an X.25 network is 30 seconds. A sample value for a LAN is 10  
Defa u lt: None (you must specify a value)  
Ra n ge: 0 – 255  
The hellointervalvalue must be the same for all OSPF routers.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
routerdeadintervalspecifies the time interval (in seconds) for  
which the Hello packets are not received from a router before it is  
considered down or inactive by its neighbors. This value must be a  
multiple of the hellointervalvalue.  
Defa u lt: None (you must specify a value)  
Ra n ge: 0 – 65535  
The routerdeadintervalvalue must be the same for all OSPF  
You can define a point-to-point interface with or without a  
nonbroadcastclause. If you specify the nonbroadcastclause, then  
you must define the pollintervalstatement.  
pollintervalspecifies a rate at which hellos are sent when a  
neighboring router becomes inactive (a router is considered inactive  
when hellos have not been received from the router for the amount of  
time specified by the routerdeadintervaldefinition). The value of  
pollintervalmust be larger than the value of hellointerval. A  
sample value for an X.25 network is 2 minutes.  
Defa u lt: None (you must specify a value)  
Ra n ge: 0 – 255  
If the device at the other end of the point-to-point network is not an  
OSPF router, you can prevent sending Hello packets to that OSPF  
router using the stubhostsstatement. stubhostsspecifies the IP  
address or domain name of the non-OSPF host. The cost of sending a  
packet to the host must also be specified (in most cases, the host has  
only a single connection to the network, so the cost configured has no  
effect on routing).  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
Figure 3-8 shows an example of a router (A) that is connected to a  
non-broadcast, point-to-point network through interface  
Figu r e 3-8  
Poin t-to-Poin t Rou ter In ter fa ce Exa m p le  
The following is an example of the interface definition in router A’s  
interface nonbroadcast cost 5 {  
hellointerval 30 ;  
routerdeadinterval 30 ;  
retransmitinterval 30 ;  
pollinterval 30 ;  
} ;  
If the router A is connected to a multicast, point-to-point network, you  
must omit the nonbroadcastclause and the pollintervalstatement.  
Stu b Ar ea s  
By default, AS external link advertisements (routes to destinations  
outside the AS) are propagated to every router in every area in the AS.  
You can configure certain OSPF areas as stub areas. AS external link  
advertisements are not flooded through stub areas. This reduces the size  
of the topology database that must be maintained by internal routers in  
the stub area and reduces the protocol traffic through the area. For  
example, if all the inter-area traffic for an area must go through a single  
router, then it is not necessary for all routers in the area to receive  
inter-area routing information.  
An area border router advertises a default route in the stub area as the  
summary of all the IP destinations that are reachable outside the AS.  
Summary link advertisements (routes to destinations outside the area  
but within the AS) are still sent into the stub area.  
The stubstatement specifies that the area is a stub area. You can  
optionally define a costclause to specify the cost associated with the  
default route that is advertised in the stub area.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
Figure 3-9 shows an example of an area border router that is connected  
to area through interface Because all traffic in and out  
of the area must pass through router A, it is not necessary for the  
areas internal routers, such as router B, to receive inter-area routing  
Figu r e 3-9  
Ar ea Bor d er Rou ter Con figu r a tion Exa m p le  
Area mask 0xfffffff0  
The following is an example of the stub area definition in the routers  
OSPF yes {  
area {  
stub cost 5 ;  
networks { mask 0xfffffff0 ;  
} ;  
interface nonbroadcast cost 5 {  
enable ;  
routers { eligible ;  
} ;  
priority 5 ;  
hellointerval 5 ;  
routerdeadinterval 20 ;  
retransmitinterval 10 ;  
pollinterval 20 ;  
} ;  
} ;  
} ;  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
Defin in g Ba ck bon es  
The OSPF backbone distributes routing information between areas. You  
can define backbones with the same statements and clauses as areas.  
You need not define the stubstatement for a backbone. The backbone  
statement is used to define a router as a backbone router. If an OSPF  
internal or area boarder router is also a backbone router, the backbone  
statement must follow the areastatements in the /etc/gated.conffile.  
Whenever you configure an area border router (a router connected to  
multiple areas), you must provide the backbone.  
Figure 3-10 shows an example of two area border routers that form part  
of a backbone. Router A has interfaces to both area and area, while router B has interfaces to areas and Router  
A is connected to router B through interface  
Figu r e 3-10  
Ba ck bon e Con figu r a tion Exa m p le  
Router A  
Router B  
The following is an example of the backbone router definition in router  
A’s /etc/gated.conffile:  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
backbone {  
interface {  
enable ;  
transitdelay 20 ;  
priority 20 ;  
hellointerval 30 ;  
routerdeadinterval 120 ;  
retransmitinterval 60 ;  
} ;  
} ;  
If the router is directly attached via a point-to-point interface to a host  
that is not running OSPF, you can prevent sending OSPF Hello packets  
to the host. Do this by specifying the subhoststatement with the hosts  
address. You can optionally define the cost.  
Backbones must be directly connected or contiguous. In some gated  
implementations, you can configure a virtual link to join non-contiguous  
backbone routers. HP-UX systems do not support virtual links.  
Au th en tica tion  
The OSPF protocol allows you to authenticate packets containing routing  
information. You can configure the authentication on a per-area basis;  
You can use different authentication methods in different areas.  
gatedsupports a simple password authentication method. You can also  
choose to have no authentication. You can use the authtypestatement to  
define the authentication method used for the area. 0or nonespecifies  
that routing exchanges in the area are not authenticated. 1or simple  
specifies that network passwords of up to 64 bits (8 characters) are used  
to authenticate packets received from routers in the area.  
In the simple password authentication method, all routers that interface  
to a given network use the same password. The password is defined by  
the authkeystatement in the routers interface definition. If you do not  
configure a router with the same password as other routers in the  
network, other networks discard the routers packets. The password is  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
configured on a per-interface basis. If a router has interfaces to more  
than one network, different passwords can be configured. This is  
illustrated in Figure 3-11.  
Figu r e 3-11  
Sim p le Pa ssw or d Au th en tica tion  
LAN 1  
authkey "travis"  
authkey "pepe"  
LAN 2  
The following example shows an authtypestatement that enables a  
simple password authentication for the routers in the area and an  
authkeystatement in the interface definition that defines a password  
(travis) to validate protocol packets received by the router:  
area {  
authtype simple ;  
networks { mask 0xfffffff0 ; mask 0xfffffff0 ;  
} ;  
interface nonbroadcast cost 5 {  
routers { eligible ; eligible ;  
} ;  
priority 15 ;  
enable ;  
hellointerval 5 ;  
routerdeadinterval 20 ;  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
retransmitinterval 10 ;  
pollinterval 20 ;  
authkey " travis " ;  
} ;  
} ;  
The outbound side of each router interface is associated with a  
configurable cost. Lower cost interfaces are more likely to be used in  
forwarding data traffic. Cost values are assigned at the discretion of the  
network or system administrator. While the value is arbitrary, it must be  
a function of throughput or capacity of the interface: the higher the  
value, the lower the throughput or capacity. Thus, the interfaces with the  
highest throughput or capacity must be assigned lower cost values than  
other interfaces. Interfaces from networks to routers have a cost of 0.  
Figure 3-12 shows an example network where costs are specified for each  
Figu r e 3-12  
Cost Con figu r a tion Exa m p le  
A (cost 5)  
LAN 1 (cost 5) (cost 10) (cost 10)  
C (cost 5)  
LAN 2 (cost 5)  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
In Figure 3-12, there are two possible packet routes between nodes A and  
D: one route goes through node B and the other route goes through node  
C. The cost of each route is calculated as follows:  
Node A to node B and node B to node D: 5+5 = 10  
Node A to node C and node C to node D: 5+10 = 15  
The lowest cost OSPF path between nodes A and D is therefore through  
node B. However, packets are rerouted through node C if there is a link  
failure between node B and LAN 2.  
You can optionally define costin the following places in the  
In a defaultsstatement in the OSPF protocol configuration, which  
applies only to AS boundary routers. This cost definition applies to  
routes to destinations outside the AS. These routes may have been  
derived from other routing protocols, such as EGP. See AS External  
Routes (AS Boundary Routers Only)” on page 80 for more  
In the exportstatement in the Control class in the  
/etc/gated.conffile, which applies only to AS boundary routers.  
This cost definition applies to routes that are exported from the AS  
boundary router to routers in other autonomous systems.  
In the stub area definition of the OSPF protocol configuration. This  
cost definition specifies the cost of the default summary link that is  
advertised in the area.  
In the stubhostsdefinition of the OSPF protocol configuration. This  
cost definition specifies the cost of a point-to-point interface between  
the router and a non-OSPF host.  
In the subhostsdefinition of the OSPF protocol configuration. This  
cost definition specifies the cost of a point-to-point interface between  
the backbone router and a non-OSPF host.  
AS Exter n a l Rou tes (AS Bou n d a r y Rou ter s On ly)  
AS exter n a l (ASE) routes are paths to destinations that are outside the  
AS. Most ASE routes are routes to specific destinations. AS boundary  
routers specify the ASE routes through another routing protocol, such as  
EGP, or through configured routes.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
gatedsupports the use of route information from other autonomous  
systems that use other routing protocols, such as EGP. AS boundary  
routers send AS external link advertisements and flood the AS with  
advertisements (with the exception of configured stub areas). A single AS  
external link advertisement is sent for each external route that the AS  
boundary router has learned about.  
Externally defined routing information and OSPF routing information  
are maintained separately. In addition, you can tag the externally  
information along with the route information.  
Statements in the Control class of the /etc/gated.conffile control the  
importing of routes from routing protocols to a gatedforwarding table  
and the exporting of routes from the gatedforwarding table. See  
Importing and Exporting Routes” on page 97 for more information.  
You must specify the defaultsstatements in the OSPF protocol  
configuration only for AS boundary routers. These statements specify  
how external routing information is handled by the OSPF protocol. You  
can define the following in the defaultsstatements:  
imported from other autonomous systems. The preferencevalue  
determines the order of routes to the same destination in the routing  
table. gatedallows one route to a destination per protocol for each  
AS. In case of multiple routes, the route used is determined by the  
lowest preferencevalue (see Specifying Route Preference” on  
page 94 for more information). If a preference value is not specified,  
ASE routes are imported with a preference of 150.  
Defa u lt: 150  
Ra n ge: 0 (most preferred) – 255 (least preferred)  
costspecifies the cost associated with an OSPF route that is  
exported to other AS boundary routers.  
Defa u lt: 0  
Ra n ge: 0 – 65535  
tagspecifies an OSPF tag placed on all routes exported by gated  
into OSPF. You can tag each external route by the AS boundary  
router to identify the source of the routing information. The tag  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
value can be an unsigned 31-bit number. You can also specify tagas  
as_tag, where as_tagis an unsigned 12-bit number that is  
automatically assigned.  
typedetermines how ASE routes imported into OSPF are treated.  
Type 1 routes must be routes from internal gateway protocols with  
external metrics that are directly comparable to OSPF metrics.  
When OSPF selects a route, OSPF uses the type 1 routes external  
metric and adds the OSPF internal cost to the AS border router. Type  
2 routes must be routes from external gateway protocols with metrics  
that are not comparable to OSPF metrics. When OSPF selects a  
route, OSPF ignores a type 2 routes metric and uses only the OSPF  
internal cost to the AS border router.  
Defa u lt: 1  
exportlimitspecifies the rate at which ASE routes are imported  
into the gatedrouting table for each exportinterval.  
Defa u lt: 100 (ASE routes)  
Ra n ge: 0 – 65535  
exportintervalspecifies the interval (in seconds) between ASE  
exports into OSPF.  
Defa u lt: 1 (second)  
Ra n ge: 0 – 2147483647  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
Sa m p le OSP F Con figu r a tion  
Figure 3-13 shows an example of two areas. Area 1 is a non-stub area,  
while area 2 is configured as a stub area. Node B is an area border router  
between the two areas.  
Figu r e 3-13  
OSP F Sa m p le Con figu r a tion  
Area 1 (Non-Stub)  
LAN 1  
LAN 2  
Area 2 (Stub)  
A: In ter n a l Rou ter (Non -Stu b Ar ea )  
Set up /etc/gated.confas follows:  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
# Router A Configuration (non-stub area)  
OSPF yes {  
area {  
interface cost 5 {  
priority 5 ;  
enable ;  
hellointerval 5 ;  
routerdeadinterval 20 ;  
retransmitinterval 10 ;  
} ;  
} ;  
} ;  
The configuration for the internal router A is for a multicast interface.  
For an NBMA interface, you can set the configuration in  
/etc/gated.conf as follows:  
# Router A Configuration (non-stub area)  
OSPF yes {  
area {  
interface nonbroadcast cost 5 {  
routers { eligible ;  
} ;  
priority 5 ;  
enable ;  
hellointerval 5 ;  
routerdeadinterval 20 ;  
retransmitinterval 10 ;  
pollinterval 20 ;  
} ;  
} ;  
} ;  
If you use IP multicasting in an area, every router and all the  
intermediate network devices in that area must support IP multicasting.  
B: Ar ea Bor d er Rou ter  
Set up /etc/gated.confas follows:  
OSPF yes {  
defaults {  
cost 5 ;  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
} ;  
area {  
interface cost 5 {  
priority 15 ;  
enable ;  
hellointerval 5 ;  
routerdeadinterval 20 ;  
retransmitinterval 10 ;  
} ;  
} ;  
area {  
interface cost 5 {  
priority 15 ;  
enable ;  
hellointerval 5 ;  
routerdeadinterval 20 ;  
retransmitinterval 10 ;  
} ;  
} ;  
backbone {  
interface cost 5 {  
enable ;  
priority 10 ;  
hellointerval 5 ;  
routerdeadinterval 20 ;  
retransmitinterval 10 ;  
} ;  
} ;  
} ;  
C: In ter n a l Rou ter (Stu b Ar ea )  
Set up /etc/gated.confas follows:  
OSPF yes {  
area {  
stub cost 5 ;  
interface cost 5 {  
priority 5 ;  
enable ;  
hellointerval 5 ;  
routerdeadinterval 20 ;  
retransmitinterval 10 ;  
} ;  
} ;  
} ;  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring the OSPF Protocol  
The routing table on node A contains routes to and  
The routing table on node C in the stub area contains routes only to LAN  
1 and a default router.  
Accessin g th e OSP F MIB  
HPs gatedalso provides ospfagt, an OSPF Simple Management  
Network Protocol (SNMP) subagent that supports the OSPF MIB  
(Management Information Base) (see RFC 1253). The ospfagtsubagent  
works with the HP SNMP Agent, snmpdm. If you use an SNMP manager  
utility to manage your network, such as HPs OpenView Network Node  
Manager, you can also use HPs OSPF SNMP subagent.  
To start ospfagtautomatically during system bootup, set the  
environment variable OSPFMIBto 1in the file  
To manually start ospfagt, type the following command at the command  
gatedmust be running before ospfagtis started. Both gatedand  
ospfagtmust be running to retrieve OSPF MIB objects.  
To load the OSPF MIB, select Load/Unload SNMP:MIBS ...from the  
Options menu of OpenView.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring RDP  
Con figu r in g RDP  
You can use Router Discovery Protocol (RDP), a standard protocol, to  
inform hosts of the presence of routers to which they can send packets.  
You can also use RDP instead of host wiretapping routing protocols (for  
example, RIP). It is used instead of, or in addition to, having statically  
configured default routes in hosts.  
RDP consists of two portions: the ser ver portion, which runs on routers,  
and the clien t portion, which runs on hosts. gatedtreats these portions  
as separate protocols; therefore, you can enable only one of them at a  
time. These portions are described in detail in the subsequent sections.  
For a description of the RDP configuration statements, type man 4  
gated.confat the HP-UX prompt.  
RDP Ser ver  
The RDP server runs on routers, and announces the routers’ existence to  
hosts periodically by multicasting or broadcasting a r ou ter  
a d ver tisem en t. The advertisement is sent over an RDP server enabled  
physical interface. Each router advertisement contains a list of all  
addresses on a physical interface and their preference for being used as a  
default router. You can configure the length of time (the lifetime) for  
which addresses must remain on the list.  
At first, router advertisements occur every few seconds, and then, they  
start occurring few minutes. You can configure the minimum and  
maximum intervals for router advertisements to occur. Also, a host can  
send a r ou ter solicita tion , requesting an advertisement. The router  
responds with a unicast router advertisement unless a multicast or  
broadcast advertisement is due to occur.  
On hosts that support IP multicasting, router advertisements are sent by  
default to the all-hosts mulicast address You can also  
configuration RDP to use broadcasting to send router advertisements.  
This is useful when a particular host does not support IP multicasting, or  
when one or more hosts on an attached network do not support IP  
multicasting. If router advertisements are sent to the all-hosts multicast  
address, or if an interface is configured for the limited-broadcast address, the advertisements contain all the IP addresses  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring RDP  
configured on the physical interface. If advertisements are sent to a net  
or subnet broadcast, only that networks or subnets address is included  
in the advertisement.  
An example of the routerdiscovery serverstatement is as follows:  
routerdiscovery server yes {  
interface lan1 lan2  
maxadvinterval 5 ;  
preference 50 ;  
} ;  
In the example, the server is enabled on the physical interfaces lan1and  
lan2, and the IP addresses,, and are  
included in all the router advertisements. Also, the addresses have a  
preference of 50.  
RDP Clien t  
The RDP client runs on hosts, listening for router advertisements over  
the all-hosts multicast address it supports IP  
multicasting) or on the physical interfaces broadcast address (if the host  
does not support multicasting). When a host starts up or is reconfigured,  
it sends certain router solicitations requesting advertisements. When it  
sends the solicitations, it sends them to the all-routers multicast address to the interfaces broadcast address (if multicasting is not  
When the RDP client receives a router advertisement, the host installs a  
default route to each of the addresses listed in the advertisement. If the  
advertisement has a preference of ineligible(that is, the addresses in  
the advertisement are not eligible to be the default route for any hosts),  
or if the addresses are not on an attached physical interface, the route is  
marked as unusable but is still retained. If the preference is usable, then  
that route is among the routes considered. The route with the highest  
preference is used. If more than one route with the same preference is  
received, the one with the lowest IP address is used. The default routes  
are not exportable to other protocols.  
If an RDP client receives a router advertisement with a zero lifetime  
(that is, the addresses in the advertisement are no longer valid), the host  
deletes all the routes with next-hop addresses learned from that router.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Configuring RDP  
The host also deletes any routes learned from ICMP redirects pointing  
to the invalid addresses. Also, if a router advertisement is not received  
before the addresses listed by the host becomes invalid (that is, before its  
lifetime expires), the routes learned from that router are deleted by the  
An example of the routerdiscovery clientstatement is as follows:  
routerdiscovery client yes {  
preference 50 ;  
interface lan0  
broadcast ;  
} ;  
In the example, the client is enabled on physical interface lan0, and the  
default routes are given a preference of 50.  
A simple example of an RDP server and two RDP clients is shown in  
Figure 3-14.  
Figu r e 3-14  
RDP Ser ver a n d Clien ts Exa m p le  
Host A  
Host B  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Customizing Routes  
Cu stom izin g Rou tes  
gatedmaintains the routing table in user space, and synchronizes this  
table with the kernel routing table. This section describes statements for  
setting up customized routes in the Static class of the gated  
configuration file, /etc/gated.conf. You can use these statements to  
specify default routers, static routes, passive interfaces, and routing  
metrics for interfaces.  
Sp ecifyin g a Defa u lt Rou ter  
A static route provides a specific destination for network packets. The  
static route is a network address or a host address through a router. This  
route is installed in the kernels routing table. The following is an  
example of a static route for the default route:  
static {  
default gateway retain ;  
} ;  
The retainqualifier ensures that the entry is not deleted when gated  
In sta llin g Sta tic Rou tes  
The staticstatement specifies a router or an interface in the kernel  
routing tables. The following is an example of a static route:  
static { mask 0xfffffff0 gateway  
preference 8 retain ;  
} ;  
If you specify an exportstatement for the default route, the route is  
passed on to other routers. If you specify only the staticstatement and  
not an exportstatement, then the default route is not passed on as a  
route to other routers. This is considered a passive default route, and is  
used only by the host where this gatedis running. The retainclause  
retains the route in the kernel even after gatedshuts down.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Customizing Routes  
Settin g In ter fa ce Sta tes  
gatedtimes out routes that pass through interfaces not receiving any  
RIP, OSPF, or BGP packets. The passiveclause in the interface  
statement of the Static class prevents gatedfrom changing the  
preference of a route to the interface if routing information is not  
received for the interface. HP recommends that you use the passive  
clause for all interfaces.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Specifying Tracing Options  
Sp ecifyin g Tr a cin g Op tion s  
Trace options specify the desired level of tracing output from gated.  
Tracing output provides useful system information for setting up a node  
on the network. Use trace options to set up a node and to send a certain  
type of tracing to a log file. You can specify tracing in the following ways:  
In a protocol statement in the /etc/gated.confconfiguration file.  
In the Trace class of the /etc/gated.confconfiguration file.  
On the command line with the -toption when starting gated.  
Trace information is appended to the trace file unless you specify  
replace. Command-line options are useful for tracing events in gated  
before the configuration file is read.  
In gated3.5.9, the two Trace class statements (tracefileand  
traceoptions) are combined into one traceoptionsstatement.  
Therefore, the tracefilestatement is eliminated. For details about the  
new syntax, type man 4 gated.confat the HP-UX prompt.  
Table 3-2 shows the gated.confglobal trace options related to protocols.  
Ta ble 3-2  
P r otocol-Rela ted Globa l Tr a ce Op tion s for ga ted Con figu r a tion  
Op tion  
Traces the state machine transitions in the  
Traces the normal protocol events (abnormal  
protocol events are always traced).  
Traces the application of protocol and  
user-specified policies to routes that are imported  
and exported.  
Traces the system interface and processing  
associated with this protocol or peer.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Specifying Tracing Options  
Ta ble 3-2  
P r otocol-Rela ted Globa l Tr a ce Op tion s for ga ted Con figu r a tion  
Files (Con tin u ed )  
Op tion  
Traces the timer usage by this protocol or peer.  
Traces all routing table changes for routes installed  
by this protocol or peer.  
A combination of normaland route.  
Some of the options specified in Table 3-2 do not apply to all of the  
protocols. For more information on options applicable for each protocol  
and for the different trace options available within the configuration file,  
type man 4 gated.confat the HP-UX prompt. See Troubleshooting  
gated” on page 101 for more information on tracing options.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Specifying Route Preference  
gatedmaintains a routing table that consists of the route information  
learned from OSPF and from other active routing protocols, such as RIP  
or EGP. You can also configure static routes in the /etc/gated.conffile  
with one or more staticclauses (see Installing Static Routes” on  
page 90 for more information).  
The gatedrouting pool can therefore contain multiple routes to a single  
destination. When multiple routes exist, the route chosen by gatedis  
determined by the following (in order of precedence):  
The preferencevalue associated with the route. The preference  
value is a number in the range from 0 (most preferred) to 255 (least  
preferred). Routes from different sources have different default  
preference values. For example, OSPF routes within a given AS have  
a preference value of 10. Table 3-3 shows the default preference  
values of various types of routes.  
If multiple routes use the same protocol and have the same  
preference value, the route with the lowest metric or cost is chosen.  
If metric or cost is the same, the router with the lowest IP address is  
Ta ble 3-3  
Defa u lt P r efer en ce Va lu es of Rou tes  
Rou te Typ e  
P r efer en ce  
/etc/gated.config Con figu r a tion  
Can be changed with interface  
statement in Interface class.  
OSPF inter-  
and intra-areas  
Cannot be changed.  
Generated by BGP or EGP when  
routing information is learned from  
a peer.  
ICMP Redirect  
Can be changed with redirect  
statement in Protocol class.  
Can be changed in SNMPstatement in  
Protocol class.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Specifying Route Preference  
Ta ble 3-3  
Defa u lt P r efer en ce Va lu es of Rou tes (Con tin u ed )  
Rou te Typ e  
P r efer en ce  
/etc/gated.config Con figu r a tion  
Static routes  
Can be changed in staticstatement  
in Static class.  
Can be changed with import  
statement in Control class.  
Can be changed with interface  
statement in Interface class.  
Can be changed with interface  
statement in Interface class.  
Can be changed in defaults  
statement in OSPF protocol  
definition and with import  
statement in Control class.  
Can be changed with import  
statement in Control class.  
Can be changed with import  
statement in Control class.  
These are the static routes that are  
retained in the kernel after gatedis  
stopped. Preference value cannot be  
You can define preference in the /etc/gated.conffile configuration file  
in the following instances:  
In the static route definition in the Static class. This preference  
definition sets the preference for static routes. (See Customizing  
Routes” on page 90 for more information.) If this option is not set, the  
preference values for static routes is 60.  
In the interfacestatement options in the Interface class. This  
preference definition sets the preference for routes to this interface.  
If this option is not set, the preference value is 0. For more  
information, type man 4 gated.confat the HP-UX prompt.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Specifying Route Preference  
In a defaultsstatement in the OSPF protocol configuration. This  
preference definition specifies the preference value of ASE routes  
that are imported into OSPF. See AS External Routes (AS Boundary  
In an importstatement in the Control class of the /etc/gated.conf  
file. This preference definition overrides any preference defined in  
the defaultssection of the OSPF protocol configuration. See AS  
External Routes (AS Boundary Routers Only)” on page 80 and  
Importing and Exporting Routes” on page 97 for more information.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Importing and Exporting Routes  
Im p or tin g a n d Exp or tin g Rou tes  
You can propagate routes from one routing protocol to another using the  
importand exportcontrol statements. Routes are imported into a  
gatedforwarding table and exported out to the routing protocols.  
For more information on importand exportstatements, type man 4  
gated.confat the HP-UX prompt.  
Th e im p or t Sta tem en t  
importstatements restrict or control routes that are imported to the  
gatedforwarding table. When routes are imported to the gated  
forwarding table, you can export them to the routing protocols. You can  
use importstatements to perform the following tasks:  
Prevent routes from being imported into the gatedforwarding table  
by using a restrictclause.  
Assign a preference value to use when comparing a route with other  
routes from other protocols. The route with the lowest preference is  
installed in the gatedforwarding table. The individual protocols  
configure the default preferences.  
The format of the importstatement varies depending on the protocol  
from which you are importing routes.  
With OSPF, you can apply importstatements only to OSPF ASE routes.  
All OSPF intra-area and inter-area routes are imported into the gated  
forwarding table with an assigned preference of 10.  
Th e exp or t Sta tem en t  
exportstatements determine the routes that are exported from the  
gatedforwarding table to the routing protocols. You can also restrict the  
routes that are exported and assign metrics (values used for route  
selection) to them. These metrics are applied only after the routes are  
The format of the exportstatement varies depending on the original  
protocol used to build the routes that you are exporting, and the protocol  
to which you are exporting routes.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Importing and Exporting Routes  
Exa m p les of im p or t a n d exp or t Sta tem en ts  
The following importstatement imports a BGP route for network  
195.1.1 to the gatedforwarding table with a preference of 15:  
import proto bgp as 1 {  
195.1.1 mask 0xffffff00 preference 15;  
The following exportstatement exports to OSPF the ASE route that was  
imported to the gatedforwarding table in the previous example. The  
route was originally built by BGP and the destination of the route is  
network 195.1.1.  
export proto ospfase type 1 /* Export an ASE route to OSPF */  
proto bgp as 1 {/*route came from BGP and AS 1*/  
195.1.1 ; /* the route is to network 195.1.1 */  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Starting gated  
Sta r tin g ga ted  
To start gated, complete the following steps:  
1. Set the environment variable GATEDto 1in the file  
/etc/rc.config.d/netconfto start gated automatically upon  
system startup.  
2. Reboot your system, or issue the following command to run the  
gatedstartup script:  
/sbin/init.d/gated start  
You can also start gatedby running the command gdc start. The  
following message appears to indicate that gatedhas started:  
gated started, pid 29777  
where 29777 is the process ID (pid)of the gatedprocess. You can specify  
the command-line arguments for starting gatedwith the GATED_ARGS  
environment variable in the file /etc/rc.config.d/netconf. Table 3-4  
lists the commonly used command-line options for gated.  
Ta ble 3-4  
Com m a n d Lin e Op tion s for ga ted  
F la g  
When used alone, -tcauses gatedto log all error messages  
and route changes. It turns on the generaltrace option  
automatically. When -tis followed by one or more trace  
options, only those options are turned on. (See Specifying  
Tracing Options” on page 92 for more information.)  
Multiple trace options are separated by commas. The -t  
flag must immediately precede the other flags.  
Specifies that the configuration file will be parsed for  
Specifies that the configuration file will be parsed for  
syntax errors. A dump file /var/tmp/gated_dumpis  
created if there are no errors. Only the trace option  
generalis logged. See Specifying Tracing Options” on  
page 92 for a detailed description of all the tracing options.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Starting gated  
Ta ble 3-4  
Com m a n d Lin e Op tion s for ga ted (Con tin u ed )  
F la g  
Specifies that gatedwill not modify the kernels routing  
For more information about the command-line options, type man 1M  
gatedat the HP-UX prompt.  
Ver ifyin g Th a t ga ted Is Ru n n in g  
Issue the following command to determine if gatedis running:  
/usr/bin/ps -ef | /usr/bin/grep gated  
This command reports the process identification (PID), current time, and  
the command invoked (gated). Following is an example output:  
daemon 4484 1 0 Feb 18  
0:00 gated  
You can also check if gatedis running by issuing the following command:  
gdc running  
The following message appears to indicate that gatedis running:  
gdc is running (pid 1312)  
If gatedis not running, the following message appears:  
gated is not running  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Troubleshooting gated  
The gated Routing Table” on page 103  
The ripquery Tool” on page 103  
The ospf_monitor Tool” on page 103  
Common Problems” on page 104  
Ch eck in g for Syn ta x Er r or s in th e Con figu r a tion File  
After creating or modifying a gatedconfiguration file, you must start  
gatedfrom the command line with the -Coption. This option parses the  
the configuration file for syntax errors.  
Tr a cin g ga ted Activity  
gatedprints information about its activity in the form of tracing output.  
This information includes routes that gatedreads, adds, and deletes  
from the kernel routing table, as well as packets sent and received.  
You can specify tracing either with the gated -tcommand-line option or  
with the traceoptionsstatement in the /etc/gated.conffile. Using  
any of the following combinations, you can determine where the tracing  
output is printed and whether tracing is performed:  
If you specify trace options and a trace file, tracing output is printed  
to the log file.  
If you specify trace options but do not specify a trace file, tracing  
output is printed on the display where gatedwas started.  
If you specify a trace file but do not specify any trace options, no  
tracing takes place.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Troubleshooting gated  
In gated 3.5.9, the two statements in the Trace class (tracefileand  
traceoptions) are combined into one traceoptionsstatement.  
Therefore, the tracefilestatement is eliminated. For details about the  
new syntax, type man 4 gated.confat the HP-UX prompt.  
After tracing is started to a file, you can rotate the trace file. Receipt of a  
SIGUSR1signal stops gatedfrom tracing and closes the trace file. The  
trace file can then be moved out of the way. To send a SIGUSR1signal to  
gated, issue one of the following commands:  
/usr/bin/kill -SIGUSR1 pid  
/usr/bin/kill -USR1 pid  
where pid is the gateds process ID, determined by invoking the  
command ps -ef | grep gated.  
A subsequent SIGUSR1signal starts tracing again to the same trace file.  
If the trace options are changed before tracing is started again, the new  
options are used.  
You cannot use the SIGUSR1signal if you did not previously specify  
tracing to a file while starting gated.  
Op er a tion a l User In ter fa ce for ga ted – gd c  
gdcprovides a user-oriented interface for the operation of gated. It  
provides the following functions:  
Starting and stopping gated.  
Delivery of signals to manipulate gated.  
Maintenance and checking the gated configuration file for syntax.  
Production and removal of state dumps and core dumps.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Troubleshooting gated  
gdcdetermines the state of gatedand produces a reliable exit status  
during errors, which is useful in shell scripts that manipulate gated. The  
syslogdfacility is used to log all the commands and error messages  
generated during gdcoperation. gateduses these log messages to  
provide an audit trail of operations performed on the daemon.  
For more information, type man 1M gatedat the HP-UX prompt.  
Th e ga ted Rou tin g Ta ble  
Sending gateda SIGINTsignal causes gatedto write information about  
interface configurations, task information, and routing tables to the  
Th e r ip qu er y Tool  
You can use the /usr/sbin/ripquerysupport tool to query gatedfor  
RIP routing information. ripquerysends two types of commands: a POLL  
command and a RIP requestcommand. gatedresponds to a POLL  
command by listing all routes learned from RIP that are in its routing  
table. This does not include the interface routes for the local network or  
routes from other protocols that are announced through RIP. When  
gatedreceives a RIP requestcommand on a interface, it announces  
routes via RIP on that interface. This includes routes from other  
protocols that are imported by gatedon the node.  
You can use ripquerywith the -poption to query other non-gatedRIP  
routers. With this option, ripqueryinitially sends POLLcommands and  
then, if there is no response, sends RIP request commands. The default  
query (POLLcommands) sent by ripquerymay not be supported by all  
RIP routers. For more information, type man 1M ripqueryat the HP-UX  
Th e osp f_m on itor Tool  
You can use the /usr/sbin/ospf_monitorsupport tool to query OSPF  
routers for information on OSPF routing tables, interfaces, and  
neighbors, as well as data on AS external databases, link-state  
databases, error logs, and input/output statistics. Running the  
ospf_monitorcommand displays a prompt that allows you to enter  
interactive commands. For details on using this tool, type man 1M  
ospf_monitorat the HP-UX prompt.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Troubleshooting gated  
Com m on P r oblem s  
This section discusses the common problems experienced during gated  
P r oblem 1: ga ted d oes n ot a ct a s exp ected .  
First, check the syslogdoutput for any syntax errors that may have  
been flagged.  
To detect incorrect configuration commands, use gatedtracing.  
Following are two sample configurations, along with the trace files  
generated by gated. The node used has three interfaces: lan0, lan1, and  
lan2. In the configuration files, lan0, lan1, and lan3are specified. In  
the first configuration shown, the strictintfsoption is specified for the  
interfaces to ensure that gatedexits when the error is detected.  
In ter fa ce Con figu r a tion With str ictin tfs Op tion Sp ecified The  
following configuration references a non-existent interface. The options  
strictintfsline in the interfacesstatement ensures that all the  
configured interfaces exit before gatedstarts.  
traceoptions "tt" general;  
interfaces {  
options strictintfs ;  
interface lan0 lan1 lan3 passive ;  
} ;  
rip yes ;  
The following is the tracing output that is produced when gatedis  
started with this configuration:  
trace_on: Tracing to "/tt" started  
Tracing flags enabled: general  
parse: conf.tt:4 Interface not found at ’lan3’  
parse_parse: 2 parse errors  
Exit gated[15941] version @(#)Revision: 1.0 based on Cornell G  
ateD R3_5Beta_3  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Troubleshooting gated  
In ter fa ce Con figu r a tion With ou t str ictin tfs Op tion Sp ecified The  
following configuration references a non-existent interface, but does not  
include the strictintfsoption:  
traceoptions "tt" general;  
interfaces {  
interface lan0 lan1 lan3 passive ;  
} ;  
rip yes ;  
The following is the tracing output that is produced when gatedis  
started with this configuration:  
trace_on: Tracing to "/tt" started  
Tracing flags enabled: general  
inet_routerid_notify: Router ID:  
You can also find the results of this same command in the gated_dump  
file. In the following segment of a gated_dumpfile, the interface is listed  
as passive in the interface policy statement toward the end of this  
Index 1  
Change: <>  
State: <Loopback>  
Refcount: 2  
Up-down transitions: 0  
Metric: 0  
Refcount: 4  
Change: <>  
MTU: 4072  
Preference: 0 Down: 120  
State: <Up Loopback Multicast>  
Subnet Mask:  
proto: RIP  
State: <NoIn NoOut>  
Index 2 Address 802.2 8:0:9:1b:da:1f  
Change: <>  
State: <>  
Refcount: 2  
Up-down transitions: 0  
Metric: 0  
Refcount: 6  
Change: <>  
MTU: 1436  
Preference: 0 Down: 120  
State: <Up Broadcast Multicast  
Broadcast Address:  
Subnet Number: 15.13.112  
Mask: 255.255.248  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Troubleshooting gated  
Index 3 Address 802.2 8:0:9:3d:2c:b1  
Change: <>  
State: <>  
Refcount: 2  
Up-down transitions: 0  
Metric: 0  
Refcount: 4  
Change: <>  
MTU: 1436  
Preference: 0 Down: 120  
State: <Up Broadcast Multicast  
Broadcast Address:  
Subnet Number: 198.1.1  
Subnet Mask: 2  
Index 4 Address 802.2 8:0:9:3d:3c:69  
Change: <>  
State: <>  
Refcount: 2  
Up-down transitions: 0  
Metric: 0  
Refcount: 4  
Change: <>  
MTU: 1436  
Preference: 0 Down: 120  
State: <Up Broadcast Multicast  
Broadcast Address:  
Subnet Number: 198.2.1  
Subnet Mask: 2  
Interface policy:  
Interface lan0 lan1 lan3 passive  
The state recorded in lan2does not contain the NoAgeflag, because the  
interface was not set to passive in the interface policy statement.  
A common mistake is to expect gatedto always send out RIP packets  
when you specify rip yesin a configuration file. gatedwill be an active  
RIP participant only if the host is a router (that is, when the host has  
more than one network interface).  
P r oblem 2: ga ted d eletes r ou tes fr om th e r ou tin g ta ble.  
gatedmaintains a complete routing table in user space, and  
synchronizes this table with the kernel routing table. When gatedstarts,  
it reads the entries in the kernel routing table. However, if gateddoes  
not get confirmation from its routing protocols (RIP, OSPF, and so on)  
about a route, it deletes the route from its tables and from the kernel  
routing table.  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Troubleshooting gated  
Normally, gated deletes the route configured in the  
/etc/rc.config.d/netconffile. To solve this problem, configure a  
static default route as described in the section Installing Static Routes”  
on page 90.  
Another common scenario occurs in networks where all the gateways do  
not implement the gatedrouting protocols. In this situation, routes that  
do not use gatedgateways are not confirmed by gated, and gated  
deletes them unless a static statement is included in /etc/gated.conf:  
static { mask 0xff000000 gateway ;  
The staticentry in this example ensures that the local system includes  
a route to network even though the gateway to that network  
( is not running any of the gatedprotocols.  
You can include the restrictclauses in the exportstatements to  
restrict these extra routes from being advertised.  
P r oblem 3: ga ted a d d s r ou tes th a t a p p ea r to be in cor r ect.  
If gated adds routes that appear to be incorrect, track the original source  
of the route by completing the following steps:  
1. Start by looking at the routing table maintained by gated.  
2. Send gateda SIGINTsignal, and look at the information output in  
the /var/tmp/gated_dumpfile.  
3. Look for the entry of the route in question. The entry identifies the  
protocol over which this route was heard and the first-hop router.  
The first-hop router is likely to be the immediate source of the  
Perform one of the following actions:  
If the route was learned over RIP, use /usr/sbin/ripqueryto query  
the first-hop router for the route. That router may claim to have  
heard the route from another router.  
If the first-hop router is another host running gated, have that hosts  
gateddump its routing table to find out where it learned about the  
Chapter 3  
Configuring gated  
Troubleshooting gated  
You may have to repeat this process several times to track down the  
original source of the route. If you expect the route to go through a  
different router, turn on gatedtracing. The tracing tells you which  
P r oblem 4: ga ted d oes n ot a d d r ou tes th a t you th in k it m u st.  
Tracking down this problem is similar to the previous problem (Problem  
3: gated adds routes that appear to be incorrect.” on page 107). You  
expect one or more routers to advertise the route. Turn on gatedtracing  
to verify that gatedis receiving packets of the type of routing protocol  
you expect. If these packets do not contain a route you expect to be there,  
trace packets on the router you expect to advertise the route.  
Chapter 3  
all hosts group, 19  
area border router, 61  
configuration example, 75  
area statement  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 65  
defaultmetric statement  
defaults statement  
designated router  
areas, OSPF, 63  
example configuration, 65  
AS, 23  
See autonomous system  
Assigned Numbers Authority, 63  
authentication in OSPF, 77  
authkey statement  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 69, 78  
authtype statement  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 77  
autonomous system  
areas, 61  
boundary routers, 61  
external routes, 81  
obtaining a number for, 24  
obtaining a number from IANA, 63  
routing levels, 63  
/etc/gated.conf file, 45  
area statement, 65  
broadcast clause, 51, 52  
checking syntax, 99  
backbone statement  
in /etc/gated.conf, 76  
configuration classes, 45  
backbone, OSPF, 62, 76  
configuration example, 76  
BGP routing protocol, 26  
Border Gateway Protocol  
See BGP routing protocol  
broadcast clause  
defaults statement, 80, 81  
examples, 48  
export statement, 80, 90, 97  
exportlimit value, 82  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 51, 52  
broadcast network interface, 67, 68  
metricin clause, 52  
cache_lifetime command  
in mrouted, 34  
gated, 45  
mrouted, 31  
metricout clause, 52  
nobroadcast clause, 51, 53  
nonbroadcast clause, 70, 73  
noripin clause, 52, 59  
noripout clause, 52, 57, 58  
ospf statement, 64  
OSPF protocol, 60  
conv_config gated conversion tool, 49  
converting gated  
from 3.0 to 3.5.9, 49  
to 3.5, 49  
passive clause, 57  
pollinterval statement, 71, 73  
preference clause, 51, 81, 94  
in OSPF, 79  
cost clause  
In d ex  
priority statement, 68  
query authentication clause, 52  
retain clause, 90  
retransmitinterval statement, 68, 72  
rip statement, 50  
starting, 48, 99  
ripin clause, 52  
ripout clause, 52  
routerdeadinterval statement, 69, 73  
routers statement, 71  
secondary authentication clause, 53  
sourcegateways clause, 51, 53, 58  
static statement, 90  
tracing, 99, 101  
stub statement, 74  
stubhosts statement, 73, 80  
tag value, 82  
traceoptions statement, 53  
transmitdelay statement, 68  
trustedgateways clause, 53, 59  
type value, 82  
hellointerval statement  
version clause, 52  
/etc/mrouted.conf file, 31  
name command, 31  
pruning command, 31  
/etc/rc.config.d/netconf file, 48  
EGP routing protocol, 26  
encapsulation, 18  
in IP address, 19  
equal cost multipath  
See host ID field  
in OSPF protocol, 24  
Ethernet multicast address, 20  
export statement  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 80, 90  
exporting RIP routes, 58  
exportinterval value  
IANA, 24, 63  
ICMP protocol, 19  
IFF_MULTICAST flag, 31  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 82  
exportlimit value  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 82  
External Gateway Protocol  
See EGP protocol  
interface clause  
gated, 43  
advantages, 22  
checking 3.0 compatibility with 3.5, 46  
common problems, 104  
configuring, 45  
Internet Control Message Protocol, 19  
See ICMP protocol  
Internet Group Management Protocol  
See IGMP protocol  
intra-area routing, 63  
IP multicast addressing, 19  
IP multicast datagram, 18  
converting configuration file to 3.5, 49  
customizing routes, 90  
default router, 90  
holddown mode, 50  
In d ex  
IP type of service routing feature, 24  
nobroadcast clause  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 51, 53  
nocheckzero statement  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 51  
nonbroadcast clause  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 73  
kernel routing table, 22, 100  
link state advertisement, 62  
configuration example, 71  
noripin clause  
management information base  
See MIB  
metricin clause  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 52  
metricout clause  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 52  
MIB, 24  
mixing protocols, 25  
area border routers, 61  
configuration command  
phyint command, 31  
tunnel command, 32  
logging, 36  
routing tables, 38  
starting, 36  
support tools, 41  
verifying operation, 37  
mrouted.cache file, 38  
multicast clause  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 52  
multicast group address, 19  
multicast network interface, 67, 68  
example configuration, 70  
multicast routing cache table, 38  
multicast routing table, 38  
multicasting, 18  
designated router, 62, 64, 68, 71  
enabling, 64  
equal cost multipath, 24  
networks, 66  
name command  
router interfaces, 63  
types of interfaces, 67  
ospf statement  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 64  
ospf_monitor command, 103  
in mrouted, 35  
NBMA, 67  
network interface, 67, 70  
neighbor routers, 61  
netconf file, 99  
See network ID field  
network definition for OSPF, 66  
network ID field  
in IP address, 19  
networks statement  
passive clause  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 57  
In d ex  
password authentication  
in OSPF, 78  
router advertisement, 87  
See RDP protocol  
configuration example, 78  
phyint command  
router solicitation, 87  
routers statement  
in mrouted, 32  
point-to-point network interface, 68, 72  
configuration example, 74  
pollinterval statement  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 71, 73  
preference clause  
routing, 43  
between areas, 63  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 51, 81, 94  
priority statement  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 68  
pruned broadcast delivery tree, 18  
pruning command  
in mrouted, 35  
protocols, 23  
within the same area, 63  
See RIP routing protocol  
routing protocols  
EGP protocol, 26  
query authentication clause  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 52  
OSPF protocol, 24, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67  
RDP protocol, 26, 87  
client, 88  
server, 87  
retain clause  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 90  
retransmitinterval statement  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 68, 72  
RFC 1058, 24, 51, 52  
RFC 1060, 19  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 51, 53, 58  
stub area in OSPF, 74  
RFC 1163, 26  
RFC 1247, 24  
RFC 1253, 86  
RFC 1267, 26  
RFC 1388, 24, 52  
RIP routing protocol, 24, 50  
configuration example, 75  
example, 54  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 74  
syslog.log file, 36  
options, 53  
sample, 55  
exporting routes, 58  
rip statement  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 50  
ripin clause  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 52  
ripout clause  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 52  
ripquery tool, 103  
route manpage, 23  
tag value  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 82  
See TTL  
In d ex  
routing feature, 24  
traceoptions statement  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 53  
gated, 92, 99, 101  
transmitdelay statement  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 68  
TRPB, 18  
Truncated Reverse Path Broadcasting, 18  
See TRPB  
trustedgateways clause  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 53, 59  
in mrouted, 33  
tunnel command  
in mrouted, 32  
in mrouted, 18  
type of service  
See TOS  
type value  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 82  
/usr/tmp/mrouted.dump file, 38  
/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log file, 36  
/var/tmp/mrouted.cache file, 38  
/var/tmp/mrouted.dump file, 38  
version clause  
in /etc/gated.conf file, 52  
virtual interface table, 38  
virtual links in OSPF, 77  

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