CARDS - Use the cards to play when a
specific category is displayed during
Truth, Dare or Double Dare. There are 50
watch the lights in the cool blue dome
display whether it is a Give, Take, Give
Orange - Athletic Diva - truths and dares
that involve physical activity or ability.
Green - Gross - truths and dares that are
gross, things that make you go yuck!
Purple - Dreamy - truths and dares that
you would hope or dream about.
or Take, then the color of categories,
wild, or Double Dare, then Truth, Dare
or Truth or Dare.
Pink - On Stage - truths and dares that
reveal your hidden performer.
Blue - Reality Check - truths and dares
Give: Means you give the truth, dare or double
that reveal who you really are.
There are also 10 blank cards for you to write
truths or dares from each category. Using a
dry-erase marker, write your truth or dares on
Take: Means you take the truth, dare, or
double dare.
Model G73028
For 1 to 8 player / Ages 6 and up
Give or Take: Means you choose to give
or take the truth, dare or double dare.
P/N 82377600 Rev.A
Truth: You only say the truth.
Dare Ya!™ is the ultimate electronic truth
or dare game. Just spin to play and
Dare: You do the dare.
After inserting the batteries, press the
On/Game button. Dare Ya! will ask you to
choose a game: Truth, Dare, Double Dare or
Fortune Teller. Toggle through the Press
Play/Enter button to select a choice.
watch the cool lights display your next
move, whether it is a Give, Take, Truth,
Dare or Double Dare. Now you can also
record your very own double dares - you
can make them as silly, gross or daring as
you want! The Truth Detector let’s you
test your friends truthfulness. Collect a
chip from each category to win the game!
Truth or Dare: You choose to take the
truth or dare.
Wild: Means you pick a truth or dare from
any category.
FORTUNE TELLER - Fortune Teller lets
you ask a question, either outloud or to
yourself, then spin the handle. The blue
dome will display the following answers
to your question.
4. The arrow will randomly point at
someone. The arrow determines who
has to give or
ON/GAME - Use this button to turn Dare Ya!
on and toggle through game selection.
• YES - Definitely, You Bet or Sure.
5. Let’s pretend
you’ve spun
the handle
• MAYBE - Don’t Know, Whatever, or
Who Knows.
• NO - No Way, Not likely, or Dream on.
and the lights
on the dome
say “Give,
Pink, Truth”.
The person at
which the
PLAY/ENTER - Use this button to select
a game and play double dare’s.
game is simple and for the most part, you
make up your own rules, however there
are some simple steps you have to follow
to get started.
RECORD - Press and hold this button to
record double dares.
TRUTH DETECTOR - Press, hold and
then release your thumb on this button
during game play to hear the result.
pointed, picks up a card and gives the
Pink Truth to any player. When the
player answers the truth and the rest of
the group thinks she is telling the truth
- she gets a pink chip. If, the group
decides she is not telling the truth, she
has to do the TRUTH DETECTOR. She
presses her thumb on the TRUTH
DETECTOR for a few seconds and then
lets go. The TRUTH DETECTOR will
respond with a sound effect either Yes,
No or Maybe. The yes sound effect
“Dun, Dun Da” means the girl is telling
the truth. The no sound effect “Dunt”
means the girl is not telling the truth.
The maybe sound effect “Ba da dump”,
means the girl is maybe telling the
SPIN HANDLE - Use the handle to spin
during game play.
1. At the beginning of each truth or dare
game, it will prompt you to record a
double dare or spin. You can either spin
to play or record your double dares.
MIC - Speak closely to the mic when
recording double dares.
2. Press and hold the Record button to
record the double dares. Release the
button when you have finished. There
are four double dares in total that will
RESET - Use to reset game if there is a
problem. Please note, if you press reset,
it will erase all recorded double dares.
If it says the player fibbed, no chip is
awarded. If the TRUTH DETECTOR says
she is telling the truth, she gets the pink
chip, if not, she does not get a pink chip.
Of course, it is up to the players to
ON /
play randomly throughout the game.
Record any double dare you want. If
you don’t want anyone to hear your
double dare, record it in another place
to be completely secretive.
CHIPS - Each chip represents a color of
a category. There are five
colors/categories: Orange, Green, Purple,
Pink and Blue; and one Double Dare chip:
Yellow. To earn a yellow chip, you have to
perform the recorded double dare to earn
this chip.
Some examples of game flow options -
just to list!
3. Randomly choose which person goes
first. Maybe choose the oldest girl or
the youngest girl. Spin the handle and
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